Monday, December 6, 2010


So, Becky visited the week of Thanksgiving and I am proud to say, although I slept for two days after she left, I survived!!!!!

Don't get me wrong. I love my daughter and her fiance but they EXHAUST me. Constantly doing something, never just sitting. I now know why they are such a good fit together. He has to be doing something at all times, just like her. She comes by it naturally, though. I was like that when I was younger but now I just can't keep up!

It was fun having them stay for a week. I got to see some of Becky's friends, especially one I haven't seen since forever. Frank outdid himself cooking. It was a good week.

Now I am gearing up for the cruise. I am almost done Christmas shopping. I don't have anything for Frank, even though we agreed no presents this year. I would still like to get him a little something. What do you get a guy who wants nothing?

Of course the big dilemma is what knitting to bring on the cruise. I refuse to bring the baby blanket. It is almost done and it is huge. I won't give that much space in my suitcase to it. Since it is not for anyone specific, I can wait and finish it when I get home. I may bring the yarn for the multnomah shawl and definately Becky's fingerless gloves and a pair of socks. Hopefully that will be enough. I think so.

I am fighting some kind of disease today. Scratchy throat, cough, head ache. Whatever it is, GO AWAY!!!!! Too busy to be sick.

GIRLS WEEKEND OUT!!!!! Frank is going to NY this weekend so Saturday will be open house to anyone who just wants to stop by for a little knitting. I have Friday off so that will be errand running day. Return the dress I don't want, get Nestle groomed, last minute shopping and maybe a dr appt. Not sure about that, though. I know I have one this month but lost the date and time when I lost my calendar. Let's hope they call to remind me since they won't return my phone calls.

I went to a co-worker's retirement dinner on Saturday and I sat next to a gentleman who works where I work. I admired his scarf and he told me he knitted it. Well, that was enough for me. We talked knitting a little and that drove my friend nuts! She thinks I'm weird enough about knitting but for a macho guy to knit too? It was hilarious. We discussed sock knitting and magic loop for two at a time.

Cold Weather Shelter is next week. This year I had a large FOCUS group help me plan and it has been great. Everyone has a responsibility and none of them are mine. I am anxious to see how this goes. I only hope we get no snow!!!

So, Two weeks from tomorrow and away we go! So looking forward to this vacation!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


It's been almost two months since my last entry. Well I guess nothing exciting has happened!

We did have the knitting retreat since I last wrote. That was great fun but two houses so far apart does not work. I don't think we will do that again. We are now looking for a stink bug free environment. Both the houses were stink bug infested but one (not the one I stayed in) was much worse. That's enough of that for me!

Lots of knitting adventures plus more coming up. We did the Berryville festival which was small but nice. One of the people in our group won the spinning wheel they raffled off. I wanted to win the loom but, ho-hum, did not.

We put new floors down in the house and they look gorgeous. Nestle finds them a bit slippery but she's adapting. We used one of those pods outside to store the furniture while it was done. That was not well received by my neighbors but now I see one down the street. We only thought of it because a neighbor across the street had one for awhile. We had ours for less than two weeks but we still got reported for it. Police stopped by and everything. I figure it was the guy across the street, the one we got arrested. He's back and probably very pissed!

I also went to Texas and met Mel there. We shopped for Becky's wedding dress ALL DAY on Saturday. She finally found 'the one' and said yes to the dress at the last store. Of course it is gorgeous and she looks fabulous in it. We all knew that was the one because of the special smile on her face when she put it on the second time. We had a fun but tiring day.

I finished my scarf to match the gorgeous gloves Mel made for me. Not without at least one incident, however. When I ran out of the first skein of yarn I picked up the second skein and finished the scarf. It felt funny when you ran your hand over it and that's when I realized that I finished it with the thinner yarn from the gloves instead of the bulkier yarn I was using for the scarf. Same colorway, different weight. Duh!?!?!

Yes, I fixed it. Tore all of the wrong yarn out and reknit it. This was for me and it would have really bothered me if I had not fixed it. Looks great but has to be blocked now.

I am still working on the never ending baby blanket that Dorothy coerced me into knitting. Wow, this is a big project and with no one to give it to....well I guess I don't have to hurry to have it finished but I know I will feel much better when it is completed.

I am still working on two things for Becky and I want to start that scarf/hat for Karen. Lots to do and so little time to do it all. I have this Thursday off so my plan is to stay at knitting on Wednesday until everyone leaves. I have never done that before!

Off to Vegas in a week and then Becky and Shawn arrive for Thanksgiving. I wish Mel could be here too but I get three weeks with her soon enough so I/m trying not to be greedy!

Frank is going on his November cruise. He has started a cruise a month club and he is the president. This is his 3rd or 4th cruise this year! I think he would live on the ship forever if he could figure out a way to do that.

So, looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and Xmas with the rest of the family. Life is good!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Where has the summer gone? HA! I don't care as long as it keeps going!!! It's September and still too hot.

I finished the shawl I was making. It came out pretty good, some mistakes that hopefully only I can see. I love the color and the feel of the cashmere. I can't wait to wear it. I am now working on a baby blanket that will go to my cousin and his wife who are expecting their first. I have to finish it by December. So far I am still on double pointed needles which I have determined I do not like. Maybe if they were shorter...

Becky's sweater is coming to Houston with me in two weeks to see about size. I am pretty certain it is way to big but I just can't pull it out without knowing for sure.

If Mel comes to Houston I think we are going to start the Red Emperor together using our Lacey Lamb. It looks hard so it will be good to have her there!

Becky is busy dress shopping. I even started looking! This is hard work and since I never did it before, not for her first wedding or for my own, it's all new to me. I visit her in two weeks and we will spend most of the weekend dress shopping.

The cruise thru the Panama Canal is booked so we are all set to go. I still have to look at what's available to do in each port. I hate buying the ship trips because they are so expensive. I'd love to swim with the dophins again but that is costly and there are other things I've never done before that I would do instead.

I so hope the hot weather is over soon. At least the humidity is a bit lower making it more bearable. COME ON FALL!!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Chicago was fun but just as hot as here. Rainy too. They are having some serious flooding. Work went well but only got a little knitting done. At least it was mostly mistake free.

Two friends and I went to see Second City Comedy. We had front row seats and I do mean front row. I could see the hair on the female's legs! I also was in the wet zone which I was given no warning of. The show was hilarious and well worth it. We had a very good time.

They were having an 80% off sale at the jewelry store at the hotel so I bought some things. May be good for Christmas gifts. I also bought two pair of croc sandals. When I was boarding the flight to Chicago I was trying to buy the sandals but had to board and therefore lost wifi. Got to the hotel and there was a croc store in the hotel. I got the same sandals in two different colors and the second pair were 50% off. Gosh, I love a bargain!

Got home and went to visit a friend in Havre de Grace. We went to Cal Ripkens stadium in Aberdeen for an all you can eat crabs. Our other friend, Karen, was supposed to join us but she couldn't make it. I missed her. Spent the night and drove home after shopping a bit in Havre de Grace. They have an adorable downtown. Bought some more Xmas gifts.

It was a tough weekend. One of my daughters was making a very difficult decision and I think I struggled as much as she did. Although I was as supportive as I could be, it is very difficult for a parent to deal with a child in pain. Adult or child, it hurts me as much or more than it hurts them. Whatever her decision, I was behind her but I could only hope she believed that. All is well now but it put a dent in my productivity for the weekend.

I skipped knitting on Saturday and did much of nothing all day. On sunday I talked myself into a pedicure/manicure which always makes a woman feel better! I treated myself to the deluxe. The massage is fabulous!

So, back to work on Monday. Lots of work to catch up on which makes the time go fast. It has gotten hotter every day but it is supposed to cool off this weekend. Yesterday I hit a deer on the way to the bus. The damage looked like nothing so imagine my surprise when the repair estimate came in at over $2,000! Still arguing with the insurance company.

Fiber tour this weekend with Eleganza Yarn Shop. We get to see the inside of Sanguine Gryphon, where they dye Bugga! I may be weakening with my resolution of no new yarn. My daughter wants me to buy all I want since she inherits whatever is left when I kick the you know what! Then we go to Blue Heron and I may really weaken there.

Here's the deal - I can only buy worsted weight yarn. No sock, no lace and no really thick, bulky yarn. I have plenty of that but no worsted. I will stick to that!

Took my first Namaste order to Panera's last night and offered to make another order. I left with an order of over $500 in merchandise. Amazing. Too bad I'm not making any money on this deal. I think I even lost a little on the first order!

We are looking at the Vogueknitting Live in NY in January. So far I know of 5-6 of us interested. Lynn thinks she can get us rooms at a NUNNERY! Is that a riot? This will be so fun. It's only two weeks after I get back from the cruise so I will wait awhile before I mention it to DH.

Well, time to hit the heat. When will summer be over? NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I think summer should be over now. I have had enough. Actually I had enough by the first official day of summer but now it's been over a month and I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I am tired of seeing it hotter here than in Houston, than in Florida, than in Hong Kong, than in ANYWHERE!!!

Do I sound whiny? Good, because that is my intention. I already hate summer and heat but, come on, this is ridiculous. It has been 95 degrees plus almost every day this month and the humidity level is so high you can practically soap up from all the sweat you produce.

Nestle is none too pleased, either. She is cold inside and hot outside. Her summer cut helps outside but since the house is maintained at 72 degrees or under, she is cold in the house. Bedtime is the worst since I keep the room at 70 degrees. She is under the covers in a flash and doesn't mover the whole night. (Unless it's to shiver.)

Knitting is coming along well. Becky's sweater is endless so I knit on it for a bit and then switch. A bunch of us are making the oscilator scarf (I know that it's spelled wrong, thank you very much, but I am too lazy to look it up!). I love it. I am making it out of my cashmere from TNNA and it is gorgeous and feels even better.

Soon Dorothy and I start the baby blanket. I ordered the yarn yesterday. It looks hard but I think I will only need BIG help with the cast on. (That's a hint for ... you know who you are!)

Saturday a bunch of us are going over to Lynn's house for a knit all day. It should be lots of fun. We are going to make some yarn markers and learn i-cords. I am really looking forward to it.

I had the KC Knitters over on Tuesday. I love that my dentist cannot see my on Fridays. Gives me an excuse to take a Tuesday off. Six showed up and we had lots of fun. Mostly because Sandy was one of them and she can really tell some hilarious stories. I made a fruit salad which I was very proud of because I picked the fruit myself and made the salad. NO help from Frank. It was good and I know it because there was none left!

Next week I am off to Chicago and then home by Thursday for an all you eat crab fest. Sounds like fun, huh?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Last week was so nice, only working 3 days. I could manage that. This week is five days - not so fun. It doesn't happen often but when it does, what bummer. Maybe if I can't afford to retire in four years, I can go part time and work 27 hours a week. That would be very manageable. Something to think about.

Becky's f'in sweater is coming along...slowly but surely. I will have to start another project to work along with it so when i feel like stuffing it somewhere I will have an easier project to work on until I calm down. You know, something like a lace shawl!

I am having KC knitting at my house on the 27th. Bonnie P wants to learn how to make socks. This should be fascinating because 1. I am a poor teacher and 2. I am not sure Bonnie has ever finished anthing! Oh well, it will be fun. The KC knitters are a loosy goosy group but it's fun to be with them.

I know it's a Tuesday afternoon, but I have doctor appts all morning so I am treating myself to it. I mean, if I have to see doctors during the week (versus on my Friday off) why not make it Tuesday so I can knit with friends!

I have made plans to visit Becky the last weekend in September. Linda is supposed to come with me but I really doubt she will come. It looks like her kids may need her to be here to take care of the baby. Either way is fine with me. Although it would have been interesting to see Becky's reaction to her. Even Mel agreed with that one. Anyway, 3 days with Becky should be loads of fun. Only problem is my dog sitter is not available and Frank will be in Vegas so I either take her or leave at Dogtopia. I am leaning toward Dogtopia since she seemed to love it last time and the cost is about the same.

Nestle's affair with Basil is still going strong. Whenever I take Nestle out and Basil hears us, he goes immediately to the bedroom window and watches her every move. I kinda wish he would bark so Nestle would look up and see him. This affair is a riot. I may ask Basil to come over and play some time.

Most of the stuff I ordered at TNNA is in. I will make a trip to Linda's this weekend if the cashmere from JoJoLand has arrived. Some small stuff is back ordered from LanterMoon, but nothing big. Then I will have to find a box to mail Mel her stuff. I hope Linda saved the box that the big basket came in. I can use that.

More hot weather and more work days with no holidays until September. The summer SUCKS!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well, we had a hell of a winter and now, to make up for all that cold, we are sweltering in record temps! It's been over 100 degrees for the last three days and in the 90's most other days. We had such a wonderful summer last year, I had started to actually like the summer. But, it was just a fluke. Real MD weather is here. It is hotter here than Texas. To make it worse, Mel is cold! Tell me, where is the justice!

I spent all day yesterday on the phone with Cheapoair trying to see if we could cancel our flight to Hong Kong. Turns out we have to pay over $500 to cancel and then they supposedly would send us a refund of around $1400. I say supposedly because, per the complaints on the internet, our chances of seeing the refund are slim to none. So, as far as I can see, we have three options. Lose all our money, try to collect on the insurance or just go. Frank and I will talk some more tonight.

New York for Zhenya's wedding - how interesting. Much more involved than I thought. Many stops to make to get the whole thing certified. Now she can put in for a spousal visa to England which will come faster than one if she was only engaged. Lunch was unbelievable. I have NEVER seen a filet mignon that big. But it sure was delicious.

We did a lot of walking which was good for both of us. We also rode the subway and took lots of cabs. I tried Chinatown on Saturday but it was just too hot for me. I even got ill from it. An hour at an air conditioned Starbucks did wonders for me.

I forgot my knitting in the car at the train station so of course as soon as the wedding luncheon was over we headed for a knitting store. I bought yarn for a cowl and asked the lady who worked there to download the cowl pattern from Ravelry for me. I had to TEACH her how to do it! Do wonders never cease?

It was nice being back in NY and all the good foods. We had dinner on Friday at the second street deli. Potato latkes and a knish for me. Oh, and of course chicken soup with matza ball. Delicious. Brought back memories of my grandmother's house.

Stuff is starting to come in from TNNA. I got the yarn from Berroco for Denise, some of my Lantern Moon stuff and my Nameste needle case. Tilli Thomas should be in this week. I also got the lamb's wool. That is so soft I want to sleep with it.

I restarted Becky's sweater last night. I decided to make it exactly as the pattern calls for instead of in the round. I am just not good enough to change a pattern. I hope to get really moving on it now that I am less afraid of it.

I am going to visit Becky for a scrapbooking weekend in September. It would be nice, and a miracle, if i could have it done by then!

Knitting retreat is up and of course, I signed up. Cannot wait even if it is the same weekend dad and frank will be on their cruise! Nestle will be happy because she will get to come too!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Home at last. Boy, that was a long trip. Denver was nice but hotter than it should have been. Plus with my gimpy leg, the walking was a bit challenging. The conference went extremely well and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. My coworker was loads of help which made it much easier on me. In past years I had to do it all myself. I loved having help.

I then went on to TNNA in Ohio. That was like nothing I have ever been to. The size alone makes MD S&W seem tiny! There is no way you could see it all in one day. We did our best, though. The first day they had a meet and greet where some of the vendors had little things for sale. I bought two skeins of cashmere from Jade Saphire to make a cowl. The kit was $20, a great price for cashmere. I also bought a shawl pin for $20 and a skein of black yarn with flowers in it for $10. We got in at the tail end, though, so we did not get to see all the vendors.

Saturday the real thing opened at 10 am. We were there at 10. I was surprised by not only how large it was but by how scarce the buyers were. I thought it would be jammed but it was far from that. We later learned that a lot of the retailers had left employees home, where as in past, flush years they used to bring them along. Thus sales remained good but the crowd was way down in numbers.

It was all a bit overwhelming so I let Linda lead me around. She knows way more than me so she took me to what she thought were the best vendors. Shock number two was that most vendors were dropping their minimums for designers/teachers, something they have not done in the past. A lot of vendors said no minimum while others had a very low amount. This meant we spent and spent. I bought cashmere from Jojoland, lots of pretty yarn from Tilli Thomas, lambs wool so soft it felt better than cashmere, Namaste stuff and Lantern Moon stuff. Then I saw a toy vendor (toys for knitters) and she sold for cash on the last day. Got lots of good stocking stuffers there! I also bought two Nantucket bags, one for me and one for Sandy. Linda and I bought Sandy a 'sorry you couldn't come with us' gift.

Next time we know we don't need to go for all three days. Sunday and Monday would have been enough. I also need to bring a little restraint along. Whatever I did not spend at the S&W I made up for here. It's hard to control yourself when the prices are so much cheaper than you can get them at home. I certainly could have spent way more but thankfully I was keeping a running total!

I got cashmere for two friends and Mel and I was also able to get Berrocco to drop the minimum on the last day. They had said no the day before but on Monday we got a salesman who said he would do it.

All in all I had a fantastic time and would love to go again. Maybe in a year or two!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Feels good to be home, even if it is only for a few days. I leave for Denver on Monday then Columbus on Friday and finally home again on Monday the 14th! The only travel I really enjoy is going to see my kids or grandkids so even though I get to go to TNNA, I still would rather be home.

Nashville was great and my dad did really well. I was really proud of him. The only things we had to do for him were wheel him around. Everything else he did for himself. It was much easier than I had anticipated. I was so nervous about the whole thing I did not sleep even one minute the night before we left. Needless to say, I was asleep before we took off, maybe even before we taxied!

The wedding was beautiful even if it was in the rain. The reception was very nice except for the food. The dinner was sea bass. I have NEVER been to a wedding where the only thing offered was fish! Needless to say I did not eat it. Thank goodness the appetizers were good!

Becky is in Yellowstone this week. I hope she enjoys it as much as I did when I was 15. It is a gorgeous place and she is hiking all over. I know she will be happy if only because she has Shawn all to herself for a whole week!

Nashville was a bit slow so I got a lot of knitting done. I finished the May and June scarves and started working on July. I actually had to buy yarn. No really, I did. Frank took me to Haus of Yarn which was a very nice store. They had sale yarns so I bought 3 skeins each of two different wools. I am making the July scarf out of one and the August will be out of the other. I know my stash is large but every time I look for wool to use, it turns out that the bookclub women are not worthy of it. So sale yarn it will be!

I am also working on Becky's sweater and I promised Sandy a cowl. She is yarn worthy of just about anything in my stash so that should be easy. The baby blanket is done, yes i fixed the mistake, and now I have to block it. All the scarves also need to be blocked as well as the quiveat cowl I made.

The floors were measured yesterday and now I am waiting on the estimate. I hope it comes in around the estimate we got before the measurement. That was at the high end of my budget so I would hate to have to change anything if it comes in even higher.

I am not looking forward to getting the back room ready. We have to pack up the corner cabinets, undo the tv etc, and disassemble the table. Such fun! Plus we want to paint the back room and get the new couch delivered, which would include getting rid of the old one!

So much to get done, so little time. Oh well, let's just take it one day at a time!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last weekend was such fun. I had some of my knitting friends over for dinner and an evening of knitting. It was a tight fit but fun. I managed to not poison anyone (at least not that I have heard!). Cooking for 10 is no more fun than cooking for two. Still don't like it but it would be nice if my kid (notice singular) would not be incredulous when I state that I am cooking dinner for ten. The silence was deafening!

Sunday was my 18th wedding anniversary. Because of the weather we did not go to Baltimore as planned. We tried to see a movie but nothing interested both of us. So we had brunch at Mimi's and went shopping. We picked out new flooring for the kitchen, back room, front entrance and hallway.

Well, with a new floor we needed a new couch. The current couch was what cut up the linoleum in the first place so a new one was necessity. I suggested we bring Nestle, since it was as much her decision as ours. We were already out though so we did not get her.

We found a gorgeous leather couch at Haverty's. People actually do shop there! I hope Nestle likes it. It may be very slippery for her. But it is a couch rather than two chairs. She would have hated that!

We leave for Nashville on Thursday. This should be quite the adventure. Four days with my dad. Maybe I should double my meds for depression! We made the reservations initially on Thursday because we wanted to see some of the city AND my dad was not coming. Now he is and we are stuck with him all four days! Pray we survive it!

I sort of finished the baby blanket. The last repeat rows was done reversed and I am debating with myself about doing it over. I might as well give it up and fix it. The perfectionist in me is driving me crazy!

The May scarf is almost done. Good thing since I only have a week until the end of the month! I am not sure I like it all that much but it's okay for a gift.

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Okay, so everyone knows how much I HATE working all five days in a week. As a matter of fact, between the beginning of November and the end of Feb. I did not work a 5 day week. Now I am about to work my second in the month of May. What is up with that!?!

I had a very busy weekend. On Thursday I went to St. Michaels with three other women to celebrate Karen's birthday. We had a very good time and only drank two of the four bottles of wine we brought. Our suite was lovely and dinner at the Crab Claw was very good. I think Karen had a blast. It's not every day you celebrate your 50th!

I got home on Friday just in time to leave again for church. The kids were sleeping over so they would be there the next morning to help with the pancake breakfast and flea market. Sandy worked me to the bone but we had fun. I discovered that Nestle has no idea how to sleep on an air mattress because she can get on and off whenever she wants. Like at 3 AM and again at 5:45 am. At the later time she went around and woke everyone up. She kissed and pounced until they were all awake. She knew her job and she did it well! Later on that morning she went home with Normale and took a nap but it obviously did not help much because when we got home at 1:30 she slept the rest of the day. (I slept with her!)

Frank and I did or tried to do Clyde's that night for dinner but they were booked solid for prom night plus a wedding. We compromised and went next door to Tomato Palace where we learned you could order off Clyde's menu! That was so great because I was already tasting their wings and was bummed when we could not eat there. Plus we had a window view of all the prom couples. So cute but why were the parents with them?

Sunday I tried to clean the basement and did manage to do the front room and laundry but I injured my back at some point and could barely move the rest of the day. It is still VERY sore. Lower back pain is NOT fun.

Frank is off on Wednesday for his reunion but he will be home Sat. night so that we can celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary on Sunday. We are still undecided about what we are going to do but it looks like we may go into Baltimore. I hope it does not rain even though they are calling for it.

EIGHTEEN Years! Can you imagine because I can't. It seems like yesterday and it seems like forever, both at the same time. Woo. Who would have thought?!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I know this day should feel important to me, seeing as how I am a mother but with my mom gone and my girls so far away it just does not feel like a special day.

I do have to say, though, that Becky's gift did amuse me and I liked it very much. She sent me a knitting book with pages marked where she liked something. I love her sense of humor and she knew that would please me.

Mel sent me the most gorgeous shawl. It's made of mohair, though, so I will have to wait for awhile before I can use it.

Me and three others are going to St. Michaels this Thurday for a girls night out. We are celebrating Karen's 50th at a hotel and spa. Thursday night we will dine at the Crab Claw and Friday we get the spa treatment. I am hoping we fit in some shopping since St. Michaels has a really nice yarn shop!

Saturday the KC kids are having a yard sale/breakfast which I promised to help with. I am not looking forward to it since that means I miss Saturday knitting. What was I thinking when I volunteered!?!?!

Nashville is still a go for Memorial Day. The wedding venue is undamaged as is the hotel. The party the night before the wedding has to be relocated since that place suffered major damage. Sharon is busy working on that now.

Dad is really looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see how he does traveling. I think he knows he can't go alone but maybe if he does well he would consider a cruise with Frank.

Bought a book on Hong Kong. I am trying to get excited but between the extreme heat in August and the 14 hour flight, well, it is difficult.

I am still working on that *#%#*# baby blanket. Hopefully this will teach me to say NO! It is so repetitive and boring. Good news is I have made solid progress and hope to finish it in a week. From my mouth to my knitting needles!

It would help if Nestle were not so opposed to me knitting. Especially with the blanket because it leaves so little lap space. I think if she could she would hide it. Invariably she ends up on Frank's lap and bugs him so much he ends up handing her over to me!

Doesn't matter. We both adore her. After all, what's not to love!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


All that hype and now we have another year to wait... Oh my! It sure was fun, though. TOO HOT by a long shot, but the good news is it saved me money since wool was the LAST thing to excite me in that heat. I did not buy a loom, I did not buy anything really extravegant, at least not unless you count the two signature needles I bought. I spent less than $200. A first for me.

Now I want to take a weaving course at the Mannings but they are a week long and cost $495. I don't have a week available this year so I guess it will have to be put on the back burner for now. That's okay because, do I really have the time for a third or fourth hobby?

The hospitality suite was very well received and I think we all enjoyed it. Not enough shade, though. Again, way too hot for May. It felt more like August.

Quiet week ahead which is just what the doctor ordered. Knitting on Wednesday but no other evening out. It's good to just relax again. Seems like forever since I go to do that.

Found out that the FLOC house is a very nice house available for rental and it does not cost a lot more than the retreat house but is much larger. Denise and I are in discussion now about how to use it.

Frank's dinner at MS&W was delicious and i think everyone enjoyed it. He is such a good cook. If only he could clean the kitchen as well as he cooks!

I took a class the MS&W on how to read a pattern. I did not expect so many beginner knitters which was crazy on my part, if you think about it. What shocked me was that not many of them knew what a yarn over was or a SSK. I ended up teaching the ladies on either side of me both of those plus the cable cast on. The big bonus, the thing that kept me in the class for the whole three hours? AIR CONDITIONING! Worth it!

Things to look forward to: more fiber festivals in the fall, knit retreats in the fall, more knitting with friends etc. Summer is here, my most hated season, so I will stay indoors. It is air conditioning for me!

Monday, April 26, 2010


This Sheep and Wool is going to be the best ever. I can't wait! I told Mel that I was not going to be buying a lot since I already had so much and she had the NERVE to laugh at me. I have to say that she tried not to. There was a silence for awhile, I guess while she supressed her laughter after getting over the ludicrousness of the statement. Then she laughed, quite loudly I might add. She even equated it to my laughter when she told me that the $200 I gave her was too much and she'd never be able to spend it. I seem to recall that she went home with more wool than me that time AND she had spent $100 of her OWN money. Quite funny.

Well, I hope to restrain myself. I look at all the wool I have and cannot imagine ever using it all. Of course, that's what she wants. SHE wants me to buy more so that she gets it all, sooner or later. Hopefully much later. I offered to let HER live with me if she can't find a job after school but then I realized I could not allow her all that free access to my stash. She would have to sleep upstairs! (Never trust another knitter around your stash, especially if they are related to you!)

Besides, I am weak and they both know that mine is theirs. All they have to do is admire it (NOT THE QUIVIAT) and I would probably give it to them. The guilt is incredible and they prey on it. (THEY know who they are!)

What a busy weekend I had. Saturday I saw "How to train your dragon" which was fabulous. I highly recommend it. You do not need a kid to see it. Mary and I were not the only adults without kids to see it. Very entertaining.

Sunday was Ava's christening. What a time. I have not been to a Catholic mass since I took Yara to one in 1987. Believe me, there has been no improvement. The priest who gave the homily was from India. Needless to say, not a word was understood. I think I feel asleep. No knitting, either. It was a long 90 minutes that I will never get back! Ava's part was fun, though. She slept through the entire thing.

Took Dad to Target. They have a drivable cart that he used. He bought a microwave to make himself pizza and other meals. Frank tried to buy an ice cream maker but they did not have what he wanted. Shopping with two men is not fun! Remind me not to do that again.

So now it's work for four days and then the fun begins. I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


If you read the title of this entry and have no idea what I am talking about, then YOU ARE NOT A KNITTER. There is 10 more days to the Sheep and Wool Festival, the PREMIERE event in Wool festivals. We knitters wait all year for this!

So it came as quite a surprise to find out that the festival, according to the organizers, is all about the SHEEP! Not the wool but the SHEEP. What is that about? Are they nuts? Do they not see all that fiber for sale?

Turns out, they actually don't really like having us there. The event is for farmers and the sheep. Somehow the wool vendors just snuck in. And then the crowds followed and as far as they are concerned, we could all leave!

Well, I guess we could boycott the event and see how they like that but that would only hurt the vendors and US! So, we will choose to ignore their feelings, keep going, keep buying all things fiber...SO THERE!

I have tried to be very good this year and only buy 'needed' yarn. This way I could spend more at the festival. I bought yarn for a baby blanket, yarn for a sweater for Becky and yarn that I forgot I ordered through a friend. I also joined a sock club so I guess I did so-so on the New Years promise. My new resolution is to not go crazy at the festival. Good luck with that one! Especially since I will be there both days!

Frank and I spent the weekend at the Mercersburg Inn in PA. He took some cooking classes (my Xmas gift to him) while I shopped all day at the outlets in Hagerstown on Saturday. Spent lots of money on new summer clothes. No shoes, though and I really need new sandals. Walking store it is!

Sunday I just sat around and knitted while he had his class. They were cooking duck and scallops, neither of which are big favorites of mine, so I did not join them for lunch.

Home we went where our sweet little Nestle was waiting for us. Sandy was good enough to pick her up at Dogtopia where she spent her weekend. I forgot my computer so Mel kept an eye on the doggie cams for me. I think she had a good time and was glad to come home so she could sleep!

This is a bad week for me. For the first time since October I have to work all five days. That SUCKS BIG TIME! I need a vacation!

I am knitting a really pretty scarf and the baby blanket is coming along nicely. Becky's sweater is on hold until I can get Denise to tell me where my mistake is. That should be this Wednesday, I hope.

Busy Spring ahead. Keeps me busy!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Four days at Rolling Ridge with nothing to do but knit. That is my idea of life! Work is getting in my way and I am ready to retire. Too bad I have at least four years to go!

Even though the sleeping arrangements were less than ideal, I think we all had a great time. Good company and lots of time for our favorite hobby, what more could you ask for. I did not get much sleep but I sure did laugh a lot, eat a lot, and knit a lot.

Now it's back to the daily grind. At least I have knitting tomorrow night. None this Saturday since Frank and I are going to Mercersburg for the weekend. I get to shop at the outlets on Saturday so that should be fun.

I think Miss Nestle missed me. She lay on my lap all during jeopardy, getting her belly scratched. I swear, I think she would only move to eat and go out if she could. She looks adorable too. Elsie gave her a great cut.

Hong Kong trip is looming and I am feeling very ambivalent about it. I am not sure I really want to go. It's not just the flight time. It's also the heat factor of Hong Kong in August and the enormous crowd there will be, not to mention having to find TWO dresses for the wedding. I will look for the short dress this weekend and hope the gown from Becky's wedding fits for the evening reception.

Mel finished my surprise and I might get to see what it is by Friday! Oh, probably not until sunday since we leave on Friday before the mail arrives. Oh well, I've waited this long, what's two more days?

Nestle is going to Dogtopia for the weekend. I hope she likes it there. It's expensive but at least she won't be in a kennel all day.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter was a bust for some of us. Poor Shawn and Becky had to spend Easter at the ER because Shawn's family was involved in a car accident on the way to church. Everyone is fine but it was a bit scary for a while.

I attended KC for the service which ended at 10:50 on EASTER! That was a first. An early service is unusual in itself, but on EASTER? I got out of church and learned that Frank would be home much earlier, 2:45 by his calculations. (Supposed to be 9 pm) So I rushed home, changed and went to get Dad. Once home I decided to see if they were running early so I checked their arrival time which turned out to be 1:35. Frank calculated wrong, obviously. Dad and I picked them up and then we all went to Hunan for dinner. I wanted to go for crabs but the restaurant was closed for Easter. But they are open tonight for my birthday dinner!

Came home and just sat in the living room for almost 4 hours with little conversation. I had to keep them going or we would have just sat there staring at each other. (Frank, his brother and me) I worked at untangling some yarn I had tried to wind. I got almost all of it done!

So my vacation from married life is over for now. I leave on Wednesday for some much needed knitting R&R. Since we started these rolling ridge retreats I like them more and more. So nice to get away and have no responsibilities but to have fun with other women and KNIT! I will be working on Becky's sweater, my April scarf and perhaps a pair of socks. Don't worry, Becky, your sweater will be worked on the most but having more than one project is mandatory!

Today, of course, is my birthday. Frank brought me home a really nice silver bangle bracelet and a hand made flower cameo. Becky made me a tea themed tea pot/cup to add to my collection. Mel is always late. Maybe some day I will get the Mom's surprise on her ravelry page which she states is for Christmas but she did not state the YEAR!

We are hopefully going out for crabs tonight. I have to see if any of the local restaurants are serving crabs. I went to the Melting Pot over the weekend with Fred, Barb, Dale and his new girlfriend to celebrate Barb's cancer free status. Had a great time but was too full for the chocolate desert. Very upsetting!

Here's hope I have a great day!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am still getting over that horrid cold I came home from Texas with. Now it's mostly just the cough which makes everyone move away from me. I feel like a pariah. One girl I sat next to on the bus actually covered her face with her coat. I felt bad but what was I to do? I covered my mouth and all but I guess she was still freaked.

I wore my cowgirl boots this weekend. They are so comfortable, I love em. Mel wore hers too and she loved them just as much. I was going to wear them this weekend but we are expecting temp's in the 80's so that is too hot for boots, at least for me. I am sure those crazy Texan's wear them all year.

Karen, Anita and I are taking the Potomac lunch cruise on Friday to see the Cherry Blossoms. It's our annual birthday lunch to celebrate our birthdays (Anita and I). This is supposed to be the peak weekend. I was hoping to visit some museums before the cruise but they don't open until 10:00 and we have to leave for the cruise by 10:30!

I started Becky's sweater with much trepidation. Pheelya and Denise helped me change the design so I could do it in the round but I am still having questions. I will talk to Pheelya about it tomorrow night.

The 2nd installment of STR yarn arrived yesterday. It is gorgeous. Shades of green and pink. The patterns are lovely too which will make it difficult to pick which one to make. If one is toe up and the other top down, I will most likely pick the top down. I still don't have the hang of the toe up.

New laptop works fine. I got it hooked up to the printer. I can't find my Word program anywhere so may have to install the old one. That would mean I can't read any of the word documents already on there since they were done in the new version. I bet I lent it to someone who never gave it back. I will check with my brother and kids but I know Mel has her own version. How about it Becky, did I lend it to you?

Frank is on his cruise but I have been too busy to enjoy the solitude. Nestle is not happy. She does not like being kenneled all day. Rachel comes and walks her twice a day but it's not enough. I plan to just stay home with her on Saturday.

Therapy is done. I plan to quit curves and join the CA gym so that I have more choices and so I can swim. Swimming is good for my knees and CA has a therapeutic heated pool which will be good for my knees.

April is almost here so I guess I need to start another scarf. An easy one so that I have something to knit when I can't really concentrate. Always need to have more than one project going!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'MMMMM BACK!!!!!!!!!!

What a time we had! I might even grow to like Houston, at least in March. (Never May, June, July, August, September, October or November!) The weather was gorgeous for two days (then colder and wetter than home). The Rodeo on Thursday was a perfect day. The concert was the best, even if my girls were a little embarassed by their mom dancing and singing with the youngsters! I loved it. Not sure how Shawn felt about it all. He is surely not a big fan of the Black Eyed Peas.

Mel and I both bought our first pair of cowboy boots. For awhile it looked like we were either going to buy the same pair or fight over them (they only had one pair in size 9 - the size we both needed!) but Mom finally gave in, let Mel have hers and I picked out a red pair. LOVE EM! We both wore them for the rest of the day.

We tried some fried, not sure food is the correct word. We tried a fried snickers bar, a fried chocolate covered twinkie, fried oreos and fried cheese cake. My favorite was the snickers bar but the others liked the oreo's best. We also had barbecue from Papa's while Shawn had a turkey leg. Bet he'd like the food at the Renaissance Festival.

The rodeo part was boring in places but the kids portions were the best part. I love watching those little ones try to ride the sheep. So cute!

On Friday we did low key stuff. We mostly spent my money on a new computer for me. My credit card was refused for payment because they did not know I was in Texas. Part of me was embarassed and part of me was glas the anti-fraud dept was working so hard. It got all straightened out, though.

Saturday was big spender day for mom. We all had the deluxe pedicure. Delicious! Becky and I had our nails done. Mel got her hair cut (she paid for that). We each got moisterizer that was on sale. We did a quick Kohl's run so Mel could buy a jacket to replace the one she left in New Mexico (yes it was cold enough that we needed jackets!). Dinner was at a Japanese Steak house and boy was that good. We sat with a bunch of people who were originally from Maryland!

By then I was getting my cold so I was starting to feel not so good. We headed home, stopping for ice cream on the way. We watched a movie while Becky worked on getting all the info off my old laptop onto my new one. She worked hard on that, too!

All in all, it was a fabulous trip and I so enjoyed having three days with my girls. I hope we get to do it again next year.

The plane ride home caused me to get an ear infection which kept me home for two days. I was pretty sick but glad I went to the doctor. It felt really weird not to be able to hear out of my right ear. It's almost gone now but I am still coughing a lot.

Frank has left for ten days and I am in 'enjoy the peace' mode. I love having the house to myself. A neighbor will walk Nestle twice a day so that is good. I am having dinner with Mary tonight and hope to spend time with other friends while he is gone. I hope he and his brother have a great time.

I will start the swatch for Becky's sweater tomorrow. My first real sweater and I am very nervous. The yarn was expensive so I hope I don't make a total loser of a garment. We shall see. I have Denise and Dorothy to help me so I should be good!

Monday, March 15, 2010


To say I am excited about my visit to Houston this week would be such an understatement. I am so looking forward to having time with both my girls! I hardly ever get time with both of them together. This will be such fun!

Of course, it will be expensive too. It always is. We will do pedicures and manicures, lots of eating out, maybe some yarn shopping, maybe some clothes shopping. Then there's the rodeo. Who knows how much I'll end up spending there. My question is this, when I retire and am on a limited income, is that when they have to pay for everything? I mean, at what point to I become THEIR responsibility? At what point do my PAYBACKS begin?

I'm thinking retirement. You know, I go visit them and they pay for everything. Or maybe when I've been retired a few years and stop traveling or whatever I decide to do in retirement, then do they start paying?

If I look at my family history, then it's going to be some time before it's their turn. They know this and I know they know this. Oh well, kids are expensive but boy are the WORTH it! (At least mine are.)

Of course, since I know they read this blog, I do want to remind them what a wonderful mother they have and that she will be a year older VERY soon and that perhaps they want to remember that during our time together. That's all I am going to say about that!

On the knitting front, I have started the Holding Hand, Duck thingie scarf. I like it but I make lots of errors so it's a slow go. The yarn goes from wide to thin and sticks together so I find myself knitting two stitches together all the time.

While in Houston I will shop for the yarn for Becky's sweater and the fingerless gloves she wants me to make her boss. (That's if there are any knitting stores in Texas!) I finished the socks for Barbara (made the second sock in less than a week!) so it's time to start a new pair. It will either be the STR sock club ones or two at a time from the book.

JOY! I actually like this month's book for the book club. I have no recollection of the title or author, but at least I like it. Those other books I hated are being donated to the library.

It's cold and rainy today, high in the 40's. It will be in the 70's in Houston. Don't tell anyone this, but I am actually looking forward to a little warm weather. It has been a LONNNNNG winter!

Tonight I will pack. Okay, stop laughing. I really plan to pack tonight. no last minute this time. My goal is to get better at that. Why, I plan to pack a week ahead when we go to Hong Kong. Okay, maybe not a whole week but at least a day or two. I can't wait until the day we leave like I do with my Europe trips because it's a morning flight!

Hello, Houston here I come!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Saw the ortho doc yesterday. Boy that was fun. First he numbed my knee, then he suctioned the fluid out and then he shot me up with cortisone. All went well until about an hour later when I could not bend my knee. Seems I had a reaction to the cortisone which mad my knee so swollen I could not bend my leg at all. Getting in and out of the car was
interesting, to say the least. I did the ice thing all night and it was much better this morning. At least I could go to work! (Is that a good thing?)

I finished the pretty thing cowl, now I have to block it. I am almost done with a pair of socks for Barbara. She liked the orange ones so much she wore them to the hospital last week for her surgery. They get the pathology report back this week and we are all praying for no lymph node involvement. She’s been a trouper, though. I was supposed to stay with
her on Saturday while Fred went out but she fired me. Said she was fine to be alone. Good for her!

I finally remembered to call Hong Kong at 6:30 am. They are 12 hours ahead of us so making reservations is tricky. The price went up considerably because of two of us in the room so I will talk to Frank about moving to a different hotel after the wedding.

Dad is now coming to Nashville for the wedding. It will be a downer for me but at least he will get out some. Julie’s parents are getting the wheelchair for us. I hope he is up to some sight seeing because I really don’t want to leave him at the hotel alone.

Book club is tonight. We will be discussing two books since we did not meet, due to snow,last month. Peggy will lead the discussion on THREE CUPS OF TEA and I will lead the discussion on THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG. To say both were awful would be an understatement. I never finished the first one and only read the second one because I was
leading the discussion. To say I read it would actually be a slight exaggeration. I actually skipped whole boring parts of it. But I got the gist of it, enough to lead the discussion. I hope next months is better.

Knitting weekend at Rolling Ridge in April is all set. There will be 6-8 of us. It should be fun. I am not sure if I will go up Thursday morning or night. Depends on how many days I want to take off.

Nestle is a much happier camper these days now that a lot of the snow is gone. She really hates the back yard. Too much mud for her delicate paws. Such a princess!

Time to decide on my next project. Such a hard decision. Should I make the baby blanket a coworker asked me to make, or my March scarf or that sweater for Becky or the cowl for Sandy or, or, or and the list goes on. So much to do, so little time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I shouldn't even put this in writing but, I AM SICK OF WINTER.  Winter used to be my second favorite season, behind Fall, but now... well let's just say Texas looks better every day.  And that is a SAD commentary on this weather.  I do not like summer at all and hate heat but it's been so cold for so long.  A little warmth would be nice.

I will get that warmth in March when I visit my daughter in Houston.  It will probably be enough warmth to make me wish I never wrote this entry.  But even Houston has had an extraordinary winter.  It has been colder than usual and they have even had snow this year.  Granted it was only a little but they panicked anyway. 

My knee is really hurting today.  I find out tomorrow what the future holds, surgery wise.  Even the other knee hurts today.  This 'after 50 years' body is not any fun.  Bad elbow, two bad knees, bad neck.  Girls - you may be caring for me earlier than planned.  Don't worry Mel, if your not ready for me I'll just stay with Becky until you are.  I am sure that is fine with her.

After returning from Houston next month I will have 10 days to myself.  Frank and his brother are off on a cruise to the Caribbean.  TEN DAYS ALONE!  All you married folk out there, read it and weep with jealousy.  I love my husband but ten days of having the remote all to myself is just great.  I get a dog walker for Nestle and we are good to go!

I am about 1/3 of the way through the Pretty Thing Cowl but I have put that aside to make Becky her fingerless gloves.  I am almost done with the first one and hope to have both done by the end of this weekend.  The pattern is called Fetching and they are coming out real well.  I also have two scarves done for my scarf a month club (goal - I want to have one scarf for each of my book club buddies for Xmas).  Granted one was completed last year, but I am still counting it!

No snow in the forecast.  YES!

Friday, February 12, 2010


We beat out a lot of records this past week.  We now have had over 70 inches of snow this year, breaking the previous record from 1899.  We had two major storms back to back, closing the federal government for four days!  Unheard of.  Back to work on Friday, today, but two hours late and liberal leave.  Since I was on time, does that mean I can leave two hours early?

I got very little knitting done during my long time off.  Shoveling reinjured my "Knitters elbow" so it was to painful to knit.  I mostly watched tv, let the dog annoy me and read.  Very unproductive time off.  Just a lot of shoveling and panic. 

Frank now sees how I behave when I lack control, just like what will happen in the airplane.  He says I cannot 'chill' out.  That is correct.  I get depressed and angry and antsy.  Very, very antsy.  Cabin fever is putting it mildly.

Yesterday we got out to shovel early and with the help of a front loader, got our cars shoveled out and the aread clean enough for us to park there.  Then we showered and took off for parts unknown.   We went to the diner for breakfast.  It was open and crowded.  Then we took the long way home and stopped at the grocery store.  Frank wanted to keep going but I was ready to go home.  I don't need much freedom, just a little to make me happy.  Being able to walk to the mailbox was good. 

Nestle is not so happy.  She is frantic when we let her out.  She has this huge area of no snow to use but she paces back and forth in front of the mounds of snow, trying to pack it down so she can go there.  I feel so bad for her.  Psychologically it must make sense to her but I have no idea what her problem is.

Yesterday there was a guy in a front loader clearing mounds of snow from in front of cars etc.  He was there at 8am and when I left at 4 am today, he was still there!  Actually, I am not positive it was the same guy but I would love to know why my street/area deserves such dedication.  I don't think he was  a private contractor but I could be wrong.

The streets are so-so.  It takes going slow and watching ahead because lanes just end everywhere.  Snowden River Pkwy is 6 lanes wide, normally,  Now it is two lanes on each side, with one of the two lanes ending periodically with little to no warning.  Driving is an adventure.

My daughter in WA thinks this is just a riot.  HA HA!  I don't think so and I will NEVER laugh at her again, should she EVER get more snow.  When it snows in Texas, well they do deserve to be laughed at.  Sorry, Becky, but even you laugh. 

I hope to get to knitting tomorrow.  Tonight a bunch of us with serious cabin fever are car pooling over to Denise's house for a pot luck knit along.  I can't wait.  It will be nice to see people again!

More late.  Work calls.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

SNOW, SNOW and (wait for it) MORE SNOW!

I went to sleep Friday night in Maryland and woke up Saturday in either Pullman, WA or the North Pole!   I can't be sure which because I CAN"T GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!

All you teachers out there who thought you had a Spring break, well, better stop thinking that way.  I can see into the future and it's not looking to good for a Spring break. At least not for Howard county.  Who knows what will occur in Montgomery County.  July looking good for school daze?

As for me, I am betting on no work on Monday but, if by chance we do have work, I go if the bus goes.  I will walk up the street at 5:00 am and if the bus picks me up, I go to work.  If it is a no show, then so am I! 

Nestle is a little bit in shock from all the snow.  Even though the ground is pretty clear under the deck the surrounding snow seems to intimidate her.  I can understand why.  The snow in the back yard is about 4-5 feet tall and it even intimadates me!

In other news, saw the ortho guy on Thursday.  The news is no news.  I need an MRI to see where or what I tore.  He is fairly certain there is a tear but treatment depends on what is torn.  Hope for the shots but it could be surgery.  Let us all pray for the shots!  I see him again on the 18th, right before he leaves for Haiti.

I FINALLY finished the socks that I started at the sock summit.  I still have one blue sock to finish and then I am WIP free.  I am not ready for another sock so I am trying to decide what to start.  I am considering the shawl made of Noro yarn or the Pretty Thing cowl.  Decisions, decisions! 

Gotta go. So much to do and no place to go do it!  Think of us here in Md, DC and VA.   This is pretty but not fun!

Friday, January 29, 2010


The CWS is over and I am done.  I sent out a thank you email to all my volunteers and stated quite clearly that I no longer would coordinate the event.  I got several emails thanking me for the five or so years I coordinated the event and everyone of them said that they admired the way I stated, quite clearly, that I still had the call but not the ability to lead it.  No one has stepped up yet but we have a year.

On the knee - it seems I have some damage to my left knee.  I have water on the knee, some bone spurs and maybe cartiledge damage.  I see Clark Brill next week.  So I limp along and walk slow, just like the little old lady I am!  I will be looking into those chairs that help you up any day now!

My oldest arrives late tonight for a quick visit and then on to a conference in VA.  A pleasant surprise.  She and I both go visit my youngest in Houston in March.  That will be so much fun.  I love when I have time with both of them at the same time.

Sandy and I are having dinner in Silver Spring tonight with 'Our Lady of the Airplane' or Linda, as some people know her.  It's Sandy's birthday week so we are taking her out to dinner.  Any excuse for a girls night out!

I dog sat for a friend's dog last night.  It was strange.  They both decided to ignore each other.  Nestle sat with me on the couch, bundled in a blanket (her choice) while Sashi slept on the couch in the living room.  Neither entered the other one's chosen room until I took them for a walk.  Bedtime I put them both in bed with me but Sashi would have none of that.  She slept on her bed on the floor.  She seemed so sad.  I think she has had enough and wants her mommy and daddy to come home or, better yet, to go stay with her Normale, like she usually does.

This week I made another cowl, this one for Anna who was coveting the one that I gave to Florence.  This one is in the same yarn but in shades of blue.  I would enclose a photo here but my friend, who knows who she is, has not shown me how to do that yet. 

I have seen the radiology people a lot this past week.  I feel like we are getting to know each other.  Of course, because I brought knitting, the wait time was nil.  I arrived for the xray and they told me I had an hour wait.  Five minutes later when the nurse said "King"  I looked around for the person with the same name.  Turns out she meant me.  So, the thing to learn here is, learn to knit, bring it to all appointments and you will NEVER have to sit and wait.

Nice relaxing weekend ahead with daughter home and husband in Staten Island, helping his brother with the viewing and funeral of his wife.  Because of daughter's visit I can't go to funeral.  It's amazing what kids are good for!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have been having some physical problems of late and they are most perplexing.  I thought the pain in my legs and knees was a side effect to a drug I was taking but blood tests reveal that is not the case.  Now I am left limping along like a little old lady wondering WTF is wrong with me.  It hurts to walk, it especially hurts to stand from a chair and I shuffle like no tomorrow.  With the Cold Weather Shelter in full swing this week this 'problem' is more than I need.  I guess it's time to make the rounds of doctors to see what this is.  But really, do I want to know?

The CWS is going very well.  I really miss my biggest helper, Normale, but her health is her #1 priority right now.  I miss her company most of all.  Others are taking her place but it's just not the same.  I vow that this is my last year to be in charge, at least until I retire.  This is just too hard for me to do now.  Normale wants me to consider co leadership for next year but with all that can happen between now and then I just don't want to make any committments.

This has been a COLD winter, more so than in previous years.  I am hoping the weather holds off while I am hosting the CWS so I don't have to worry about the mall being closed or the buses not running.  I have no idea what I would do if I had to keep the shelter open with no volunteers at the ready to help.

My knitting is going well, despite the knitters elbow.  I finished two cowls and am 1/3 of the way done on a second sock.  My new year's resolution is still going well since I don't count the yarn from the sock clubs I joined prior to making the resolution.  This is a tough one though and I am beginning to think a diet would be easier.  Maybe Jennie Craig....

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I look forward to this weekend all year.  It is one of the times my husband leaves the house for consecutive days and I get the house ALL TO MYSELF.  If you are married or live with someone, then I think you can feel what I am feeling.  I love him BUT.... 

I usually have a movie marathon but this year I think I will just coccoon myself for the weekend.  Knit, watch my recorded shows and watch NO FOOTBALL, even though the Ravens are playing Saturday night in the play offs.  I may even do some scrap booking if Peggy comes over to do it with me.

Nestle will be happy since I will be staying in.  It's supposed to be warm on Saturday so maybe she and I can take a long walk.  I can cook what I want, even burn the popcorn.  Such freedom.  Last year he went on a two week cruise and I thought that would be too long.  Nope, it wasn't.  I LOVE my alone time!

I returned the swift but she would only give me a credit.  It was a crappy yarn store, barely above a Joanne's so it was difficult to spend $60.  I finally bought some malabrigo twist, four skeins, and will make two cowls out of them.  They are gorgeous. 

This yarn store had no books, no magazines, no cashmere, no noro, no nothing!  I guess when you live in a town called Funkstown you take what you can get.  So I drove an hour each way for this.  Next year I ask for gift certificates!

My knitting daughter made me the calla lily bag.  I love it but she is quite the trickster.  I helped her pick out the yarn and I believe I even bought the book the pattern was in, all the time thinking it was for her!  I even asked for the pattern so I could make it but now I don't have to!

A trip to Texas and the rodeo is in my future.  Mel and I are flying to Becky's where we will visit the Houston Rodeo.  We will be seeing The Black Eyed Peas.  My friend Karen could not believe I even knew who they were.  (This is work Karen, not best friend in WA Karen.)  I am excited to be spending four days with both my kids!  It does not happen often so when it does I really rejoice!

Cold Weather Shelter is next week.  This is my last year, I SWEAR, that I will run it.  It is so exhausting.  Volunteers were hard to come by this year but with Grassroots' help, I managed to fill the positions.  I enjoy it so much but the preparation is so hard. 

I have a friend who was brave enough to declare that she will try her best to destash and only buy yarn 2-3 times the whole year.  She even put it in writing.  I am also going to knit from my stash and the sock clubs (yes clubs!) I joined.  I hope to spend way less $$ at the sheep and wool.  (Yeh, right!  Stop laughing Mel.)
New years resolutions are made to be broken, right?

A toast to this year and DESTASHING!!! ( Is that even a word?)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Crazy week.  Okay, crazier than most and I am a bit exhausted.

We had guests last weekend.  Zhenya and her fiance, Lenny visited us for 4 days.  They are young and in love.  They are engaged.  They are getting married.  So far, pretty normal.  Only thing is Zhenya lives in Moscow, Lenny lives in London and they are getting married in Hong Kong.

Now I have to admit that I knew all this but I never for ONE minute thought Frank and I would attend the wedding.  I mean, have you looked at a map recently?  Hong Kong is not near here.  As a matter of fact it is over 15 HOURS from here.  That's by plane.  FIFTEEN hours.  I have never been on a plane longer than 8 hours and I slept for 7 of those hours.  I can barely make it to CA because that is 5 hours and I can't take a sleeping pill.  And now, because of the latest terrorist attack, I will be unable to bring my knitting with me.  Despite all this, we have bought our tickets.  We are GOING!

Well, this big type A personality cannot see herself sitting still for 15 minutes, let alone 15 hours.  True, I will sleep for 7 of it.  But that leaves 8 non knitting hours.  I can read, I (hopefully) can watch movies but I CANNOT KNIT!!!!  This is nothing less than INSANITY.  Suggestions are being accepted as to how to last EIGHT free hours with no knitting!

It snowed again last night.  It was less than two inches and did not really cover the roads too bad.  What worries me is that I am getting desensitized to it and don't seem to be all that afraid of it anymore.  (Driving wise I mean.)  I am not a good driver so that is worrisome.

Ran some errands for Normale today.  That felt good.  I really love her and being able to help her makes me feel real good.

Book Club had our Xmas dinner at Coho's this past Wed.  Got lots of neat little gifts like real warm slipper sox, a book light, soaps, change purse, home made hard candy.  Dinner was delicious and I am getting to know these women better.  I don't always like the books but it's good to be around such a diverse group of women.  I knit them all slippers.  I will have to do some serious thinking for next year because making 12 pairs of those damn things was really boring!

Cold Weather Shelter starts in two weeks.  Volunteers are scarce this year.  I am glad this is the last year I will head this up.  I love it but being in charge is just too stressful.  Next year I will help a lot but will not lead.  Hopefully someone else will step forward.  The volunteers are getting older and sicker and it is time for me to let the younger congregants lead.

Went to see It's Complicated with Peggy today.  That movie is hilarious.  We loved it.  I have not laughed that loud in a movie theatre for a long time.  

Thats my rather boring thoughts for this week.  BTW, Beige is not boring.