Monday, September 28, 2009

TBIM - Too Bad It's Monday!

Well, the weekend is over...too short and over too quickly. However I only have to work four days this week then my DH and I are off to visit my youngest in Houston. Both of us are very much looking forward to the visit. We will see the new house she lives in and get to know her SO better. We like him a lot already!

I finished most of the craft room this past weekend and I LUV it! I put my stash away in plastic bags (fear of moths!) and bought a new copier/printer/fax/scanner. My old copier was just a copier. Time to update.

Nestle, my 4 year old shih tzu, is not sure how she feels about the new space. There is a recliner chair in the room and she has decided that it's hers. Yesterday I had clothes on it to be ironed and she sat in front of the chair and stared at me until I removed the clothes so she could lay there. She really rules the roost! (BUT we adore her!) She also likes that the door in the room leads right out to the backyard although she insists I leave the door open so she can return whenever she wishes. I will have to bring some toys down there, if she doesn't beat me to it.

My oldest daughter has decided not to hate me even though I am going on the knitting retreat without her. That's a relief because there is no way I could have afforded it for both of us. Although that would have made it a lot more fun! There is thread for it on ravelry and I already found someone to car pool with.

DH goes out with friends tonight so I guess I am on my own for dinner. You'd think he'd have the curtesy to cook me something anyway! Oh well, I guess I don't have him as well trained as I thought.

March on Monday! (Only 3 hours until I go home but who's counting?)

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Did the yard sale thing this weekend and bought a knitting machine. I hope to spend some time with it tomorrow. It's brand new, never been opened for only $15 so who could resist! I also bought a toy for each of the grand kids for when they come to visit over Thanksgiving. I love yard sales.

Knitting meetup at Savage Mill was fun. It is actually a little better than Wednesday nights. The group is smaller so it is a lot more intimate. I am still working on the second sock in Sheila's sock club. I need to put it aside and start my Christmas gifts. Mel is almost done but I have very little for anyone else.

Next weekend, TEXAS. Becky promises good weather - no big heat. I hope so because the weather in Houston sucks! We'll be visiting San Antonio too. I love San Antonio, especially the little art village behind the amphitheater.

So, what's with the title, beyond booties, you ask. Well, you see for years all I made were these booties that my mother (or grandmother, can't remember which) taught me to make. Then I decided to branch out and make some scarves. Then came hats, then I took a sock class and before I knew it I was actually a knitter. I am now totally addicted! I have a stash to be proud of and have started attending knitting events. I knit just about everywhere, even church!

This blogging thing is fun but hard to find things to talk about. For now, I will keep trucking along on it and see how it goes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

First timer

Well, I have finally given in and will now try to maintain a blog. My life is pretty boring so I am not quite sure how this will go but....

I had quite the fabulous day today. Yesterday the Yarn Harlot offered a weekend class to the first lucky 40 people to sign up and today Tina, of Socks that Rock, told me that I was the 7th email they received so I was IN! So on the weekend of November 13th I will be, along with 39 other knitters, in Port Ludlow, WA to spend a few days learning knitting tricks from Stephanie and how to dye from Tina. Is that heaven or what? I thought the sock summit was a pretty terrific event in my life but this surpasses even that!

Work continues to interfere with my real life but hopefully I will retire in less than 5 years, GOD and my 401K willing. Then I can knit, read, knit, scrapbook, knit, sleep and oh yeh, knit some more all I want!

Next weekend we are off to Texas to visit my youngest daughter and her boyfriend and their new home. Very much looking forward to it. My DH will be making dinner on Sunday and he is big with plans already. I can't wait to see what he comes up with. I know it will be yummy.

I think that's enough for a first post. More later....maybe.