Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Making Decisions has become excruciating. I don’t think I want to take the Meyers Briggs again – I am afraid I may no longer be a ‘J’! Oh, the embarrassment of being a ‘P’. It can’t be possible to change from ’ in the 50’s J’ to a ‘P’, right? RIGHT? Maybe I’m not even and ‘I’ anymore. NO, that would be impossible. Even though moving from a ‘9 I’ to an ‘E’ is more feasible I still think that would be impossible. I like being an ‘IFTJ’. Let’s not rock the boat!

But still, I have been agonizing over this China trip and have been pulling info from all directions before making up my mind. If that does not sound like a ‘P’ I don’t know what would. After all, J’s make up their mind quickly and are ready to change it if new info comes along. Here I am, a 50+ J, almost off the chart, and I can’t make up my mind until all info has come to light. The fact that my over the top ‘P’ daughter could make up her mind faster than me is just scary.

Of course, we need to factor in her love of travel and my being a homebody. I am sure that is a big part of the decision. Plus I told all those people to save the date for my party and here I go changing it. Hey, that is what a ‘J’ would do. Whew, maybe I’ll be ok after all.
Anyway, the facts are that I have decided to take this trip being offered by the Howard County Chamber of Commerce. It is a 9 day all expenses inclusive trip to China and I will get to see just about every part of China I dreamed of seeing. Having it on my bucket list helped make the decision. Now I just have to figure out how to survive the plane ride.

I wonder if I can bring knitting on board the plane. OMG, 15 plus hours with no knitting! I will bring yarn and use the chop sticks they give us to eat with for needles. Yea, that is what I will do. Problem solved.

I finished my first sock last night. I am finally getting to the socks from the STR Sock club from last year. Better late than never. I really like the yarn, the colors and the pattern. I casted on the second sock but that’s as far as I got. I forgot how much I love knitting socks.
I have loads of stuff to block, like the baby blanket and the Juneberry. I am very proud of myself for completing both projects. Thank goodness Mel was able to fix the mistake I made in the baby blanket and all the mistakes I made in the Juneberry. I also have the cashmere scarf for Frank and the cowls for Pat and Lud.

Projects coming up include some shawls. I want to use the Quiviet sock yarn for a shawl. $43 wholesale is too expensive for socks! I just hope I have enough yarn for it since this is fingering and it calls for worsted.
WIP’s include that cotton shawl that needs a lifeline, the one I broke my acrylic needle on, Lud’s cowl that needs to have the kitchner stitch to join the two edges, Becky’s gloves and Becky’s sweater, which needs to be frogged and started anew. You could fit two of her in it the way it’s going now.

We are entering soon my favorite part of the year, autumn. Love it! I will now relax and enjoy the 65 degree weather.

Monday, December 6, 2010


So, Becky visited the week of Thanksgiving and I am proud to say, although I slept for two days after she left, I survived!!!!!

Don't get me wrong. I love my daughter and her fiance but they EXHAUST me. Constantly doing something, never just sitting. I now know why they are such a good fit together. He has to be doing something at all times, just like her. She comes by it naturally, though. I was like that when I was younger but now I just can't keep up!

It was fun having them stay for a week. I got to see some of Becky's friends, especially one I haven't seen since forever. Frank outdid himself cooking. It was a good week.

Now I am gearing up for the cruise. I am almost done Christmas shopping. I don't have anything for Frank, even though we agreed no presents this year. I would still like to get him a little something. What do you get a guy who wants nothing?

Of course the big dilemma is what knitting to bring on the cruise. I refuse to bring the baby blanket. It is almost done and it is huge. I won't give that much space in my suitcase to it. Since it is not for anyone specific, I can wait and finish it when I get home. I may bring the yarn for the multnomah shawl and definately Becky's fingerless gloves and a pair of socks. Hopefully that will be enough. I think so.

I am fighting some kind of disease today. Scratchy throat, cough, head ache. Whatever it is, GO AWAY!!!!! Too busy to be sick.

GIRLS WEEKEND OUT!!!!! Frank is going to NY this weekend so Saturday will be open house to anyone who just wants to stop by for a little knitting. I have Friday off so that will be errand running day. Return the dress I don't want, get Nestle groomed, last minute shopping and maybe a dr appt. Not sure about that, though. I know I have one this month but lost the date and time when I lost my calendar. Let's hope they call to remind me since they won't return my phone calls.

I went to a co-worker's retirement dinner on Saturday and I sat next to a gentleman who works where I work. I admired his scarf and he told me he knitted it. Well, that was enough for me. We talked knitting a little and that drove my friend nuts! She thinks I'm weird enough about knitting but for a macho guy to knit too? It was hilarious. We discussed sock knitting and magic loop for two at a time.

Cold Weather Shelter is next week. This year I had a large FOCUS group help me plan and it has been great. Everyone has a responsibility and none of them are mine. I am anxious to see how this goes. I only hope we get no snow!!!

So, Two weeks from tomorrow and away we go! So looking forward to this vacation!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


It's been almost two months since my last entry. Well I guess nothing exciting has happened!

We did have the knitting retreat since I last wrote. That was great fun but two houses so far apart does not work. I don't think we will do that again. We are now looking for a stink bug free environment. Both the houses were stink bug infested but one (not the one I stayed in) was much worse. That's enough of that for me!

Lots of knitting adventures plus more coming up. We did the Berryville festival which was small but nice. One of the people in our group won the spinning wheel they raffled off. I wanted to win the loom but, ho-hum, did not.

We put new floors down in the house and they look gorgeous. Nestle finds them a bit slippery but she's adapting. We used one of those pods outside to store the furniture while it was done. That was not well received by my neighbors but now I see one down the street. We only thought of it because a neighbor across the street had one for awhile. We had ours for less than two weeks but we still got reported for it. Police stopped by and everything. I figure it was the guy across the street, the one we got arrested. He's back and probably very pissed!

I also went to Texas and met Mel there. We shopped for Becky's wedding dress ALL DAY on Saturday. She finally found 'the one' and said yes to the dress at the last store. Of course it is gorgeous and she looks fabulous in it. We all knew that was the one because of the special smile on her face when she put it on the second time. We had a fun but tiring day.

I finished my scarf to match the gorgeous gloves Mel made for me. Not without at least one incident, however. When I ran out of the first skein of yarn I picked up the second skein and finished the scarf. It felt funny when you ran your hand over it and that's when I realized that I finished it with the thinner yarn from the gloves instead of the bulkier yarn I was using for the scarf. Same colorway, different weight. Duh!?!?!

Yes, I fixed it. Tore all of the wrong yarn out and reknit it. This was for me and it would have really bothered me if I had not fixed it. Looks great but has to be blocked now.

I am still working on the never ending baby blanket that Dorothy coerced me into knitting. Wow, this is a big project and with no one to give it to....well I guess I don't have to hurry to have it finished but I know I will feel much better when it is completed.

I am still working on two things for Becky and I want to start that scarf/hat for Karen. Lots to do and so little time to do it all. I have this Thursday off so my plan is to stay at knitting on Wednesday until everyone leaves. I have never done that before!

Off to Vegas in a week and then Becky and Shawn arrive for Thanksgiving. I wish Mel could be here too but I get three weeks with her soon enough so I/m trying not to be greedy!

Frank is going on his November cruise. He has started a cruise a month club and he is the president. This is his 3rd or 4th cruise this year! I think he would live on the ship forever if he could figure out a way to do that.

So, looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and Xmas with the rest of the family. Life is good!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Where has the summer gone? HA! I don't care as long as it keeps going!!! It's September and still too hot.

I finished the shawl I was making. It came out pretty good, some mistakes that hopefully only I can see. I love the color and the feel of the cashmere. I can't wait to wear it. I am now working on a baby blanket that will go to my cousin and his wife who are expecting their first. I have to finish it by December. So far I am still on double pointed needles which I have determined I do not like. Maybe if they were shorter...

Becky's sweater is coming to Houston with me in two weeks to see about size. I am pretty certain it is way to big but I just can't pull it out without knowing for sure.

If Mel comes to Houston I think we are going to start the Red Emperor together using our Lacey Lamb. It looks hard so it will be good to have her there!

Becky is busy dress shopping. I even started looking! This is hard work and since I never did it before, not for her first wedding or for my own, it's all new to me. I visit her in two weeks and we will spend most of the weekend dress shopping.

The cruise thru the Panama Canal is booked so we are all set to go. I still have to look at what's available to do in each port. I hate buying the ship trips because they are so expensive. I'd love to swim with the dophins again but that is costly and there are other things I've never done before that I would do instead.

I so hope the hot weather is over soon. At least the humidity is a bit lower making it more bearable. COME ON FALL!!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Chicago was fun but just as hot as here. Rainy too. They are having some serious flooding. Work went well but only got a little knitting done. At least it was mostly mistake free.

Two friends and I went to see Second City Comedy. We had front row seats and I do mean front row. I could see the hair on the female's legs! I also was in the wet zone which I was given no warning of. The show was hilarious and well worth it. We had a very good time.

They were having an 80% off sale at the jewelry store at the hotel so I bought some things. May be good for Christmas gifts. I also bought two pair of croc sandals. When I was boarding the flight to Chicago I was trying to buy the sandals but had to board and therefore lost wifi. Got to the hotel and there was a croc store in the hotel. I got the same sandals in two different colors and the second pair were 50% off. Gosh, I love a bargain!

Got home and went to visit a friend in Havre de Grace. We went to Cal Ripkens stadium in Aberdeen for an all you can eat crabs. Our other friend, Karen, was supposed to join us but she couldn't make it. I missed her. Spent the night and drove home after shopping a bit in Havre de Grace. They have an adorable downtown. Bought some more Xmas gifts.

It was a tough weekend. One of my daughters was making a very difficult decision and I think I struggled as much as she did. Although I was as supportive as I could be, it is very difficult for a parent to deal with a child in pain. Adult or child, it hurts me as much or more than it hurts them. Whatever her decision, I was behind her but I could only hope she believed that. All is well now but it put a dent in my productivity for the weekend.

I skipped knitting on Saturday and did much of nothing all day. On sunday I talked myself into a pedicure/manicure which always makes a woman feel better! I treated myself to the deluxe. The massage is fabulous!

So, back to work on Monday. Lots of work to catch up on which makes the time go fast. It has gotten hotter every day but it is supposed to cool off this weekend. Yesterday I hit a deer on the way to the bus. The damage looked like nothing so imagine my surprise when the repair estimate came in at over $2,000! Still arguing with the insurance company.

Fiber tour this weekend with Eleganza Yarn Shop. We get to see the inside of Sanguine Gryphon, where they dye Bugga! I may be weakening with my resolution of no new yarn. My daughter wants me to buy all I want since she inherits whatever is left when I kick the you know what! Then we go to Blue Heron and I may really weaken there.

Here's the deal - I can only buy worsted weight yarn. No sock, no lace and no really thick, bulky yarn. I have plenty of that but no worsted. I will stick to that!

Took my first Namaste order to Panera's last night and offered to make another order. I left with an order of over $500 in merchandise. Amazing. Too bad I'm not making any money on this deal. I think I even lost a little on the first order!

We are looking at the Vogueknitting Live in NY in January. So far I know of 5-6 of us interested. Lynn thinks she can get us rooms at a NUNNERY! Is that a riot? This will be so fun. It's only two weeks after I get back from the cruise so I will wait awhile before I mention it to DH.

Well, time to hit the heat. When will summer be over? NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I think summer should be over now. I have had enough. Actually I had enough by the first official day of summer but now it's been over a month and I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I am tired of seeing it hotter here than in Houston, than in Florida, than in Hong Kong, than in ANYWHERE!!!

Do I sound whiny? Good, because that is my intention. I already hate summer and heat but, come on, this is ridiculous. It has been 95 degrees plus almost every day this month and the humidity level is so high you can practically soap up from all the sweat you produce.

Nestle is none too pleased, either. She is cold inside and hot outside. Her summer cut helps outside but since the house is maintained at 72 degrees or under, she is cold in the house. Bedtime is the worst since I keep the room at 70 degrees. She is under the covers in a flash and doesn't mover the whole night. (Unless it's to shiver.)

Knitting is coming along well. Becky's sweater is endless so I knit on it for a bit and then switch. A bunch of us are making the oscilator scarf (I know that it's spelled wrong, thank you very much, but I am too lazy to look it up!). I love it. I am making it out of my cashmere from TNNA and it is gorgeous and feels even better.

Soon Dorothy and I start the baby blanket. I ordered the yarn yesterday. It looks hard but I think I will only need BIG help with the cast on. (That's a hint for ... you know who you are!)

Saturday a bunch of us are going over to Lynn's house for a knit all day. It should be lots of fun. We are going to make some yarn markers and learn i-cords. I am really looking forward to it.

I had the KC Knitters over on Tuesday. I love that my dentist cannot see my on Fridays. Gives me an excuse to take a Tuesday off. Six showed up and we had lots of fun. Mostly because Sandy was one of them and she can really tell some hilarious stories. I made a fruit salad which I was very proud of because I picked the fruit myself and made the salad. NO help from Frank. It was good and I know it because there was none left!

Next week I am off to Chicago and then home by Thursday for an all you eat crab fest. Sounds like fun, huh?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Last week was so nice, only working 3 days. I could manage that. This week is five days - not so fun. It doesn't happen often but when it does, what bummer. Maybe if I can't afford to retire in four years, I can go part time and work 27 hours a week. That would be very manageable. Something to think about.

Becky's f'in sweater is coming along...slowly but surely. I will have to start another project to work along with it so when i feel like stuffing it somewhere I will have an easier project to work on until I calm down. You know, something like a lace shawl!

I am having KC knitting at my house on the 27th. Bonnie P wants to learn how to make socks. This should be fascinating because 1. I am a poor teacher and 2. I am not sure Bonnie has ever finished anthing! Oh well, it will be fun. The KC knitters are a loosy goosy group but it's fun to be with them.

I know it's a Tuesday afternoon, but I have doctor appts all morning so I am treating myself to it. I mean, if I have to see doctors during the week (versus on my Friday off) why not make it Tuesday so I can knit with friends!

I have made plans to visit Becky the last weekend in September. Linda is supposed to come with me but I really doubt she will come. It looks like her kids may need her to be here to take care of the baby. Either way is fine with me. Although it would have been interesting to see Becky's reaction to her. Even Mel agreed with that one. Anyway, 3 days with Becky should be loads of fun. Only problem is my dog sitter is not available and Frank will be in Vegas so I either take her or leave at Dogtopia. I am leaning toward Dogtopia since she seemed to love it last time and the cost is about the same.

Nestle's affair with Basil is still going strong. Whenever I take Nestle out and Basil hears us, he goes immediately to the bedroom window and watches her every move. I kinda wish he would bark so Nestle would look up and see him. This affair is a riot. I may ask Basil to come over and play some time.

Most of the stuff I ordered at TNNA is in. I will make a trip to Linda's this weekend if the cashmere from JoJoLand has arrived. Some small stuff is back ordered from LanterMoon, but nothing big. Then I will have to find a box to mail Mel her stuff. I hope Linda saved the box that the big basket came in. I can use that.

More hot weather and more work days with no holidays until September. The summer SUCKS!