Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Making Decisions has become excruciating. I don’t think I want to take the Meyers Briggs again – I am afraid I may no longer be a ‘J’! Oh, the embarrassment of being a ‘P’. It can’t be possible to change from ’ in the 50’s J’ to a ‘P’, right? RIGHT? Maybe I’m not even and ‘I’ anymore. NO, that would be impossible. Even though moving from a ‘9 I’ to an ‘E’ is more feasible I still think that would be impossible. I like being an ‘IFTJ’. Let’s not rock the boat!

But still, I have been agonizing over this China trip and have been pulling info from all directions before making up my mind. If that does not sound like a ‘P’ I don’t know what would. After all, J’s make up their mind quickly and are ready to change it if new info comes along. Here I am, a 50+ J, almost off the chart, and I can’t make up my mind until all info has come to light. The fact that my over the top ‘P’ daughter could make up her mind faster than me is just scary.

Of course, we need to factor in her love of travel and my being a homebody. I am sure that is a big part of the decision. Plus I told all those people to save the date for my party and here I go changing it. Hey, that is what a ‘J’ would do. Whew, maybe I’ll be ok after all.
Anyway, the facts are that I have decided to take this trip being offered by the Howard County Chamber of Commerce. It is a 9 day all expenses inclusive trip to China and I will get to see just about every part of China I dreamed of seeing. Having it on my bucket list helped make the decision. Now I just have to figure out how to survive the plane ride.

I wonder if I can bring knitting on board the plane. OMG, 15 plus hours with no knitting! I will bring yarn and use the chop sticks they give us to eat with for needles. Yea, that is what I will do. Problem solved.

I finished my first sock last night. I am finally getting to the socks from the STR Sock club from last year. Better late than never. I really like the yarn, the colors and the pattern. I casted on the second sock but that’s as far as I got. I forgot how much I love knitting socks.
I have loads of stuff to block, like the baby blanket and the Juneberry. I am very proud of myself for completing both projects. Thank goodness Mel was able to fix the mistake I made in the baby blanket and all the mistakes I made in the Juneberry. I also have the cashmere scarf for Frank and the cowls for Pat and Lud.

Projects coming up include some shawls. I want to use the Quiviet sock yarn for a shawl. $43 wholesale is too expensive for socks! I just hope I have enough yarn for it since this is fingering and it calls for worsted.
WIP’s include that cotton shawl that needs a lifeline, the one I broke my acrylic needle on, Lud’s cowl that needs to have the kitchner stitch to join the two edges, Becky’s gloves and Becky’s sweater, which needs to be frogged and started anew. You could fit two of her in it the way it’s going now.

We are entering soon my favorite part of the year, autumn. Love it! I will now relax and enjoy the 65 degree weather.