Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Time for new year resolutions and a think back on the past year.  In church on Sunday we were guided into reflecting on the past year.  We were told to think about the best thing(s) of the year and the worst. 

I had no trouble thinking of the best(s).  I absolutely loved the week I spent with Melissa going to the sock summit and visiting with Karen and Angela.  Such a very special time.  It was heaven to have a whole week together doing what we both love, knitting!  I hope to have a similar experience this year with Becky (get the hint!!!) doing some scrapbooking.  My girls are very busy women so any time alone I get with them is cherished.

I also loved the knitting retreat at Port Ludlow.  I met some wonderful women and got to know Tina and Stephanie.  Both are wonderful, funny ladies who love to share their love of knitting.

Then I had to think of the worst and to be truthful, I could not think of anything.  True I lost some friends this year but no one super close to me.  Except for one death, all were above 80 years of age and had lived a vibrant, healthy life.  My family was healthy, the recession had not hit any of us too bad.  We had nice, warm homes to live in, food to eat (perhaps a little too much food!), cars to drive, jobs to go to.  My stash had grown considerably, my dog gave me much joy, my husband and I were getting along better than ever. 

My conclusion:  This has been a GOOD year.  Sure, some pain was felt.  That's life.  But I am thankful for my wonderful family.  I have a good life.  Thanks be to God.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I understand the schools being closed but I DO NOT understand why my husband is working today and I am not.  Don't get me wrong, I am not disappointed, just dumbfounded!  What is going on here?

So, let's go back a few days.  It started early last week when the weather people started to tell us about a nor'easter coming our way.  Well, we all know those are bad.  But we also know that the weather people are always wrong.  So, first we hear 6".  Then we hear 6-10".  We non believers are scoffing.  It hasn't even started snowing yet and the numbers keep going up.

Finally, late Friday night, it start to snow, and snow some more, and then snow some more.  They are now saying 10-12".  Now it is Saturday afternoon.  The snow is higher than the dog and it has not even slowed down.  Now they say 12-20"  with a possibility of more.  Bottom line, they know NOTHING!  Once again.

Saturday night it finally stops.  Total for Columbia is almost 23 inches.  Dog is not that tall.  We see a problem but, smart me, I thought of a solution before all this started.  Frank laid a tarp on the deck so that the area right below the deck has virtually no snow!  Nestle has a place to go!  Granted she does not like it but after we let her out the front, and she refused to get off the porch, she sees the wisdom of the backyard.  Shih Tzus are so smart!

Thankfully I believed some of what the weather people were saying on Friday.  I left work early to go to Jane's.  I was afraid I would not get there on Saturday (turned out I was right) and everyone knows a woman NEVER misses a hair appointment.   So I may not have been able to go out all weekend, but my hair looked good.

No wedding on Saturday, no church on sunday.  Tracy did get married on Sunday with a lot less people in attendance.  Frank and I were digging out the cars when the message came about the wedding being on again.  Sorry we missed it.

Thankfully Frank made a grocery store stop Friday night so we had enough toilet paper et al.  We stayed home and watched Star Trek and Hangover.  Liked Star Trek not so much Hangover.  Some of it was funny but I think it was for a younger audience than us two fogies.

Between doing some knitting and shoveling out the car, my elbow is killing me.  Tennis/Knitting elbow stinks!  It actually burns when I straighten it.  Not pleasant.

Went to visit Dad on Friday night with library books.  I figured I might not see him on sunday.  Even if I could have gone to get him, I have no idea how he would have gotten into the house!  There is no path to the road since they plowed.  Steve and Sharon were there visiting dad so it was nice to see them.  I brought Nestle and she loved it.

I guess I will sit back and enjoy my very special day off.  My daughter in Pullman is laughing at me and my daughter in Houston is laughing harder.  It's good to know I am keeping them jolly!

Happy holidays to all!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I work all five days this week and that is very tough to do.  You tend to get used to only 4 days so when it's all 5 days... well I would rather not.  Next week I have four and one half days off in a row and that is lovely to think about.  Especially since none of my family will be around so I will do nothing but relax! 

That makes it sound like I don't want my kids home but that is not even close to the truth.  While I look forward to the time off, I would love it even more if my kids were home.  But they aren't so I am trying to look on the bright side of it. 

Christmas is just not the same without at least one of them home.  I did not even decorate this year.  No tree, no stockings, no lights ... nothing.  I know that sounds depressing and it sorta is, BUT I did not have to do all that work!  So, the conclusion of all this is:  GETTING OLD SUCKS!

This past weekend was knitting fun at Rolling Ridge.  That was really fun.  The weather was perfect and I got to bring Nestle who had a ball.  All those laps to sit on!  She was very well behaved (except for one little incident we don't need to mention).  I hope to bring her again.  I think she liked it.  (Except for the modeling.  She could have lived without that!)

We went to see "A Dickens of a Carol" on Sunday and it was great.  It's one of those plays where the audience is sort of part of it.  It included dinner which was much better than either Frank or I expected.  We loved it.  We went with 3 other women and spouses from my book club.

Not much knitting to report due to the knitters elbow injury.  I have one or two pairs of slippers to finish.  I lost and found my quivit.  That was scary.  I may start the pretty thing cowl while I am off.  I started a scarf that is much more difficult than it should be. 

We did try the knitting machine I bought at a yard sale.  Ended up throwing it out.  Even Denise could not figure it out and it kept breaking.  Oh well, I tried.

Knitting tonight.  We are having a Christmas party.  I even brought a gift to give away.  Should be fun!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Why does time pass so slowly at work and so quickly over the weekends?  Has anyone figured out what makes the clocks run faster on Saturday and Sundays?  I think that would be a good thing to study.  Let's all write Congress.

We had our first snow of the season on Saturday.  Once again the weathermen had it wrong.  It was supposed to start late afternoon so of course it started at 9:30 am.  I was on my way to the annual Holiday Mart and decided to go anyway.  The drive home was an adventure and then I had to take Frank to the airport.  (HA HA - he went to Las Vegas to escape winter. Joke is on him - their temps are almost as low as ours (highs in the low 50's or high 40's)

This is my week all to myself.  I won't be home to enjoy much of it, though.  I am off to Rolling Ridge for the weekend.  I just hope it does not snow.  Frank thought I should drive his car since it has AWD but I hate his car.  It is filthy and it smells!  Nestle is coming with me so I am excited about that.  I am not even sure dogs are allowed there but better to apologize later than to ask and be screwed since I have no one to watch her!

Christmas shopping is slow.  The girls are done but I still have some people left.  Zhenya is coming on 1/1/10 so I have to get her something.  I need to wrap and mail  Becky and Shawn's stuff as well as Jakes.  Lots of mail to get out.  I have to wrap Karen and Anita's gifts for our dinner on the 22nd.  AND I have NO idea what to get Frank.  He is so very difficult to buy for.

Did you watch Desperate Housewives last night?  It was a real good show.  I now wonder who is going to die?  I should never have stayed up, though.  I don't think I got 4 hours sleep last night.  That's tough for anyone but especially an oldie like me.

OOH, I think I nodded off there.  Gee, I even bore myself.  So, on that note, I will end here.  Say goodnight, Gracie.   Goodnight, Gracie!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

CAN'T KNIT?!!!!!!

The pain in my left elbow has gotten progressively worse over the last two months.  My doctor is calling it knitting elbow because I don't play tennis.  It got bad enough for me to email her about it.  I can barely talk about the treatment.  Ice, of course.  Rest, of course.  No knitting...WHAT?  IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

She suggests that I give it a rest.  Does she realize it is less than 4 weeks to XMAS????????  Just give me a rope, let me hang myself now.  No knitting...I cannot even process that. 

So we compromised.  I will knit less.  I will wear a protective thingy.  I will ice it a lot and use ibuprofin as much as I can tolerate.   Hopefully this will work because the prospect of long term no knitting is just more than my brain can process.

I skipped knitting tonight...just too painful.  All those women knitting away and me sitting in a corner doing just about nothing.  Better to come home, put my jammies on and mope.  Much better!

(Paragraph bitching about work removed due to troubles it could cause!)
Enough griping.  So what's good going on?  My house is back to almost normal.   Frank leaves for a week in Vegas on Saturday and I have a week alone!  Next weekend I get a knitting weekend at Rolling Ridge which will be hugely fun.  Lots to look forward to.  A whole week, just Nestle and me.  YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!