Monday, November 30, 2009


We had a houseful this Thanksgiving.  Carol was here with the two granddaughters, Cassidy (4) and Elizabeth (7).  Mel was also here.  That makes six people, 5 of them female, sharing 2 1/2 baths and 2 bedrooms and a basement.  Poor Frank, even the dog is a female.  Mel brought her dog, Teenie,a one year old Boston Terrier.  Even she is a female!

Thanksgiving we had 12 people.  Frank was getting a bit nervous because every day I seemed to add 'just one more' to the list.  Food we had a plenty.  Table space and chairs - not so much.  When we got to a possible 13, well that was a problem since the table fit 12 uncomfortably, 13 not at all.  But we stayed at a managable 12, even though I had 13 plates.  That was a surprise.  I thought I had 12, handed Mel all the plates and we were all VERY surprised when she had one left over.  We counted those plates on the table at least 10 times.  Can plates reproduce?

The dinner was excellent of course.  Frank outdid himself once again.  Besides Turkey etc we also had prime rib and grilled root veggies.  Mary loved the veggies and thought we had made them just for her!  Roger's pies were excellent as was the apple pie baked by Shel, Chip's girlfriend.

Normale also attended as well as my dad.  I think he had a good time but all the people was a bit overwhelming for him.  Mel brought him home right after dinner was finished.

We repeated the same thing the next night.  Fred and family came over, and so did Sandy so we had 10 people.  The table fits 10 comfortably.  Frank made his turkey leftover dish and we served all the rest of the left overs.  My brother had to leave fairly early.  His back was really bad. But we got to visit with Dale and Sandy and that was fun.

Mel left yesterday and Carol and the kids leave tomorrow.  I will miss them and be glad to have my peace and quiet back.  Frank leaves on Saturday for Vegas so I will have a whole week to myself.   YEH!!!

Only sad part - no Becky and Shawn.  I know they had a super weekend in Texas and i know having them here would have been super hectic, but still it would have been nice.  Everyone all at once.  That and Brad coming too would have been perfect. 

Mel and I decided - next year we all go to Texas.  We even have the bed assignments all worked out.  See you next year, Shawn and Becky!!!!!!


Thursday, November 26, 2009


It was quite a week.  I left on Friday for Seattle, a little nervous but very excited.  I met three perfectly good strangers at the airport and we all shared a ride to Port Ludlow.  Three of us knitted the whole way.  (Can you guess which of us did not - I hope you guessed the driver, which for once was not me!)

One women was a scientist and mother from Indiana.  The other two women were sisters, one from San Francisco and the other from New Jersey.  We got pretty friendly very quickly but then...why not?  We are knitters!

We took a ferry across the inlet which was a lot of fun.  I have not been a ferry for a VERY LONG time.  We got out of the car and went above to see the journey.  We saw Orca's, at least five.  It was wonderful.  You gotta love a ferry ride.  We arrived at the hotel around 4:30 and got freshened up for dinner.

The hotel room was so nice.  A king size bed, fireplace and a huge soaking jacuzzi with windows that opened on to the hotel room.  It also had robes to wear after your bath/shower.  I did find a small tv but never turned it on.  No need, really we were so busy who had time for tv?!

The weekend festivities started with dinner on Friday and just kept on going.  We were busy from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm or later every day with a short breather before dinner each evening.  The inn was delightful, the scenery gorgeous.  I hope to post some photos. 

The weather was cool but dry.  I asked all the natives how they get even the weathermen to lie about the weather since rain was predicted for the whole weekend but it never rained until the day we left. Very tricky, these Seattleites!

Turns out I actually like dying yarn.  I have no talent for it but it sure is fun.  We learned a lot about how the different types of yarns take the yarn. We each got to dye six skeins of yarn, one if which was silk and another was the same as the yarn they use for socks that rock.

Stephanie's class was great.  We learned about the history of yarn in the morning, learned what books we should have in our library (including an out of print one that would cost over $600 IF we could even find it!).  In the afternoon, after learning that we all stank as knitters, we learned lever knitting.  Very interesting method.  We were told to practise every day for at least 28 days and the we would be much more comfortable with it.  We shall see but so far I have not practised it.

Sunday night was show and tell which was amazing.  Some people are VERY overachievers.  Some of their "Firsts" were amazing.  Most had great stories to go along with it.  Much laughter was had.  It was very sad when the evening was over.  Everyone had such a fabulous time and Tina and Steph were very happy with our critiques of the weekend.  They also said that there will be another sock summit in 2011, in Portland. 

They have sock camps at Port Ludlow in April.  They are five days long.  Mel and I may go to one.  We will assess it later.

I do not know where my brain was when I packed but I forgot to pack any long sleeve shirts.  Thank goodness I packed the November shawl.  It was the only thing to keep me warm!  I even needed it the following week in Orlando because the hotel kept the temperature at sub zero!

It's good to be home and with family this week but it sure was fun in Port Ludlow!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, Monday - Can't Trust That Day

Although the date for this is November 24th, it was really written on November 9th.

Monday and all is well....right?  Nope!  Work is not going well because the computer refuses to work.  No surprise there.  Work IT motto :  Yesterday's Technology Tomorrow.  Oh, boy that could not be more accurate today.  These computers SUCK.  And I have so much to do since I am only working 3 days this week and then it is off to Seattle.

I am so nervous about this retreat. And excited.  And nervous.  This is out of my comfort zone, for sure.  A small group of women, only 40, meeting two knitting icons.  Then we are going to do show and tell.  SHOW AND TELL!  Well, I will do more telling than showing, that is for sure.  First off I have no room in my suitcase for show and secondly, I keep almost nothing of what I make.  The only thing to bring are photos and socks.

After Seattle and their cool temps in the 40's I fly directly to Orlando where there temps are in the 80's!  That means two different wardrobes have to go with me.  I only hope I can keep it to one suitcase and my knitting bag. 

Then, to top it all off, my left elbow pain is NOT going away and I am fearful that it will get worse this weekend from knitting  a lot.  I am doing the stretching exercises, and the heat packs and trying not to knit much.  I did not knit all week but could not do 1 1/2 hours of church yesterday without it.  Plus tonight
I have my last class on the purse I am making.  Hopefully the kits for the slippers will come before I leave so I can bring those with me.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hello, Anyone Out There?

I have been blogging for a little over 2 month's, I think, and by my calculations I have about 4 people who say they are reading this.  So far I have had no comments so maybe it's just me out here.  That's okay, really.  It's just that the yarn harlot has, oh you know, like HUNDREDS of comments.  I could use one, just to keep me going, if you know what I mean.  Just to know someone cares.  Just to know you really are reading this.

Oh, come on.  What's one little comment?  All it would take would be a minute or two.  Just say hi, or please stop writing this blog, or whatever.  It won't kill you!

So, here's the thing.  Did I raise your guilt level?  I used to be very good at that but not so much now.  My girls see right through me.  They even laugh at me when I try.  That's good because most of the time, if not all the time, okay not all the time, I am just kidding.  I like to tease my kids.  I think they don't mind, but if they do, THIS IS THE TIME TO LEAVE A COMMENT.

Oh, are we back to that?  Why, yes we are.  So, here is the $1,000,000 question.  ARE YOU OUT THERE?