Monday, April 26, 2010


This Sheep and Wool is going to be the best ever. I can't wait! I told Mel that I was not going to be buying a lot since I already had so much and she had the NERVE to laugh at me. I have to say that she tried not to. There was a silence for awhile, I guess while she supressed her laughter after getting over the ludicrousness of the statement. Then she laughed, quite loudly I might add. She even equated it to my laughter when she told me that the $200 I gave her was too much and she'd never be able to spend it. I seem to recall that she went home with more wool than me that time AND she had spent $100 of her OWN money. Quite funny.

Well, I hope to restrain myself. I look at all the wool I have and cannot imagine ever using it all. Of course, that's what she wants. SHE wants me to buy more so that she gets it all, sooner or later. Hopefully much later. I offered to let HER live with me if she can't find a job after school but then I realized I could not allow her all that free access to my stash. She would have to sleep upstairs! (Never trust another knitter around your stash, especially if they are related to you!)

Besides, I am weak and they both know that mine is theirs. All they have to do is admire it (NOT THE QUIVIAT) and I would probably give it to them. The guilt is incredible and they prey on it. (THEY know who they are!)

What a busy weekend I had. Saturday I saw "How to train your dragon" which was fabulous. I highly recommend it. You do not need a kid to see it. Mary and I were not the only adults without kids to see it. Very entertaining.

Sunday was Ava's christening. What a time. I have not been to a Catholic mass since I took Yara to one in 1987. Believe me, there has been no improvement. The priest who gave the homily was from India. Needless to say, not a word was understood. I think I feel asleep. No knitting, either. It was a long 90 minutes that I will never get back! Ava's part was fun, though. She slept through the entire thing.

Took Dad to Target. They have a drivable cart that he used. He bought a microwave to make himself pizza and other meals. Frank tried to buy an ice cream maker but they did not have what he wanted. Shopping with two men is not fun! Remind me not to do that again.

So now it's work for four days and then the fun begins. I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


If you read the title of this entry and have no idea what I am talking about, then YOU ARE NOT A KNITTER. There is 10 more days to the Sheep and Wool Festival, the PREMIERE event in Wool festivals. We knitters wait all year for this!

So it came as quite a surprise to find out that the festival, according to the organizers, is all about the SHEEP! Not the wool but the SHEEP. What is that about? Are they nuts? Do they not see all that fiber for sale?

Turns out, they actually don't really like having us there. The event is for farmers and the sheep. Somehow the wool vendors just snuck in. And then the crowds followed and as far as they are concerned, we could all leave!

Well, I guess we could boycott the event and see how they like that but that would only hurt the vendors and US! So, we will choose to ignore their feelings, keep going, keep buying all things fiber...SO THERE!

I have tried to be very good this year and only buy 'needed' yarn. This way I could spend more at the festival. I bought yarn for a baby blanket, yarn for a sweater for Becky and yarn that I forgot I ordered through a friend. I also joined a sock club so I guess I did so-so on the New Years promise. My new resolution is to not go crazy at the festival. Good luck with that one! Especially since I will be there both days!

Frank and I spent the weekend at the Mercersburg Inn in PA. He took some cooking classes (my Xmas gift to him) while I shopped all day at the outlets in Hagerstown on Saturday. Spent lots of money on new summer clothes. No shoes, though and I really need new sandals. Walking store it is!

Sunday I just sat around and knitted while he had his class. They were cooking duck and scallops, neither of which are big favorites of mine, so I did not join them for lunch.

Home we went where our sweet little Nestle was waiting for us. Sandy was good enough to pick her up at Dogtopia where she spent her weekend. I forgot my computer so Mel kept an eye on the doggie cams for me. I think she had a good time and was glad to come home so she could sleep!

This is a bad week for me. For the first time since October I have to work all five days. That SUCKS BIG TIME! I need a vacation!

I am knitting a really pretty scarf and the baby blanket is coming along nicely. Becky's sweater is on hold until I can get Denise to tell me where my mistake is. That should be this Wednesday, I hope.

Busy Spring ahead. Keeps me busy!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Four days at Rolling Ridge with nothing to do but knit. That is my idea of life! Work is getting in my way and I am ready to retire. Too bad I have at least four years to go!

Even though the sleeping arrangements were less than ideal, I think we all had a great time. Good company and lots of time for our favorite hobby, what more could you ask for. I did not get much sleep but I sure did laugh a lot, eat a lot, and knit a lot.

Now it's back to the daily grind. At least I have knitting tomorrow night. None this Saturday since Frank and I are going to Mercersburg for the weekend. I get to shop at the outlets on Saturday so that should be fun.

I think Miss Nestle missed me. She lay on my lap all during jeopardy, getting her belly scratched. I swear, I think she would only move to eat and go out if she could. She looks adorable too. Elsie gave her a great cut.

Hong Kong trip is looming and I am feeling very ambivalent about it. I am not sure I really want to go. It's not just the flight time. It's also the heat factor of Hong Kong in August and the enormous crowd there will be, not to mention having to find TWO dresses for the wedding. I will look for the short dress this weekend and hope the gown from Becky's wedding fits for the evening reception.

Mel finished my surprise and I might get to see what it is by Friday! Oh, probably not until sunday since we leave on Friday before the mail arrives. Oh well, I've waited this long, what's two more days?

Nestle is going to Dogtopia for the weekend. I hope she likes it there. It's expensive but at least she won't be in a kennel all day.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter was a bust for some of us. Poor Shawn and Becky had to spend Easter at the ER because Shawn's family was involved in a car accident on the way to church. Everyone is fine but it was a bit scary for a while.

I attended KC for the service which ended at 10:50 on EASTER! That was a first. An early service is unusual in itself, but on EASTER? I got out of church and learned that Frank would be home much earlier, 2:45 by his calculations. (Supposed to be 9 pm) So I rushed home, changed and went to get Dad. Once home I decided to see if they were running early so I checked their arrival time which turned out to be 1:35. Frank calculated wrong, obviously. Dad and I picked them up and then we all went to Hunan for dinner. I wanted to go for crabs but the restaurant was closed for Easter. But they are open tonight for my birthday dinner!

Came home and just sat in the living room for almost 4 hours with little conversation. I had to keep them going or we would have just sat there staring at each other. (Frank, his brother and me) I worked at untangling some yarn I had tried to wind. I got almost all of it done!

So my vacation from married life is over for now. I leave on Wednesday for some much needed knitting R&R. Since we started these rolling ridge retreats I like them more and more. So nice to get away and have no responsibilities but to have fun with other women and KNIT! I will be working on Becky's sweater, my April scarf and perhaps a pair of socks. Don't worry, Becky, your sweater will be worked on the most but having more than one project is mandatory!

Today, of course, is my birthday. Frank brought me home a really nice silver bangle bracelet and a hand made flower cameo. Becky made me a tea themed tea pot/cup to add to my collection. Mel is always late. Maybe some day I will get the Mom's surprise on her ravelry page which she states is for Christmas but she did not state the YEAR!

We are hopefully going out for crabs tonight. I have to see if any of the local restaurants are serving crabs. I went to the Melting Pot over the weekend with Fred, Barb, Dale and his new girlfriend to celebrate Barb's cancer free status. Had a great time but was too full for the chocolate desert. Very upsetting!

Here's hope I have a great day!