Saturday, October 31, 2009


My myers-briggs is/was? ISTJ.  This means that I am an introverted sensing thinking judging person.  Per a description on the web of an ISTJ, my primary mode of living is focused internally, where I take things in via my five senses in a literal, concrete fashion.  My secondary mode is external, where I deal with things rationally and logically.  I am supposedly quiet and reserved (REALLY?) and am interested in security and peaceful living.  I am supposedly organized (have you seen my craft room?) and have a serious air making me successful.

I know I am an introvert because I am more comfortable alone than with others.  It's not that I don't like being with other people.  It's just that to do that takes a lot of energy for me and is out of my comfort range.  If I am in a group where I know everyone, then it gets a bit easier.

I also know that I do not like surprises.  I like knowing what the future holds.  I am a list maker, am task orientated and have a need to acomplish something.  I do 2-3 things at a time and cannot just 'sit'.  Meditation is impossible for me because my mind does not rest.  Sleep is illusive for the same reason.  (That and menopause!)

So I married someone who is almost the complete opposite of me.  Frank is an ENFJ.  Thank God we are both J's because without that in common we would have killed each other by now.  The fact that he is a much stronger J than me almost did us in at the beginning of our marriage but we have learned to compensate for that now.  I no longer give vague approval to ANYTHING because he will take that for a yes and go forth.  I have learned that he does not understand a women's right to change her mind and that if I say yes it does not mean YES.  I ended up in Las Vegas once because of that.

So, all this is leading somewhere and as soon as I figure that out I will fill you in.  Right now I am just trying to figure me out.  Like, why do I travel when it is so beyond my comfort zone?  Why do I agree to do so much when clearly I do not want to say yes?  (I'm getting better at that one.  I can say no a lot now!)  Why am I in a book club when I really don't want to read the books?  WHY?

Oh well, so many questions so little answers.  Perhaps the answers will come forth in the future.  For now I will keep on knitting and find peace through that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday? Already?

How can it be Monday already?  How come Saturday and Sunday go by so much faster than a Monday or a Tuesday or definately the never ending Friday.  I just don't get it!  I got nothing done and my ambitions were so high for the weekend.  My craft room is still a mess, I got none of my reading done and very little of my knitting.  What the heck did I do all weekend?????  Apparantly, very little.

I have all that Christmas knitting to do, all those slippers to make.  At least they only take about 4 hours per pair but I won't do the math for 9 pairs because that will disturb me.  Instead I will just think about how they will keep me busy on the bus going home.  Oh, and then I have to do the million rows of garter stitch for the bag I am making in the class I am taking.  At least that can be done while I also read, thereby killing two birds with one stone.  I can read the book I need to read for bookclub and knit at the same time!

I still have no gift ideas for my husband.  The ring he lost is just too darn expensive to replace.  He is so difficult to buy for.  I wish he would give some hints but he's not really good at that.  The best thing I can do is walk the mall with him and see what he admires.  That works sometimes!

A little bit more than two weeks until I leave for my knitting retreat in Seattle.  I am trying to decide what clothes and shoes I won't mind throwing out after the dying class.  I am so excited about this.  I cannot believe I am going to spend a weekend with the Yarn Harlot and Tina from Blue Moon Fiber.  I can hardly wait!

Did the greeter thing at KC this weekend.  I hate doing it but Frank says I am so sincere.  I guess I am a better actor than I thought.  Actually when I am there doing it I don't mind but since I really did not want to go to church this Sunday it was a drag.  I did leave as soon as table talk started, something I have never done before.  I don't know what is going on but that is not the place I want to be these days.  I guess I need to explore those feelings.

Next Sunday I am having breakfast with my brother so that should be fun.  I may go to church afterwards if we get done early enough.  I did that the last time we went out.  Maybe this time we will invite the spouses.  I'll check with him on that.

Only work four days this week, WAHOO!  Those five day weeks are killers.  How soon can I retire?

Friday, October 23, 2009


OMG- it is finally Friday.  Working five days in a row is not a good thing.  I really am spoiled with the four day thing and really dislike it when I have a five day work week.  Not that it happens all that often, but still I would prefer it never happened.  It interferes with my real life way too much.

I was going to go to the fiber festival in Berryville, VA tomorrow but the weather is looking not good (rain all day), plus, let's face it, I really don't need to add to the stash.  I believe I have plenty to work with at this point.  So, tomorrow will be a quiet day at home, cleaning up the craft room, knitting and catching up on TV shows.  Frank will be out all day cooking for the 40th KC anniversary party so I'll have the house all to myself. YEH!  (Nestle and I will have quality time together!)

I am going to Sat morning knitting, though.  I missed it on Wed. due to errands that needed running and pure exhaustion.  I really need to catch up on sleep.  This morning I asked the woman sitting next to me to wake me up before our stop.  Thank goodness I did, because otherwise I would have overslept again. 

I hope my new yarn comes this weekend so I can start the bookclub slippers.  I want to make those ASAP and cross those off my list.  I may try to continue ahead on my felted purse.  Class 2 is Monday but I think I understand the next step and it would give me a heads up.  There is a lot to knit between class 2 and 3, even if there is two weeks between them!

Five more hours, then home.  HIP HIP HOORAY!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So, remember I said I had to buy the yarn for the crocheted afghan I loved so much?  Well, I did buy the yarn at Joanne's Wed night so I could bring it on the retreat.  However, I have tried to crochet before AND I really did not care who made the blanket, as long as it got made so... I called my sister-in-law who agreed to make the blanket if things did not work out.  (I always like a back up plan!)

Well, I gave it about a 1/2 hour effort.  I tried it left handed and right handed and never really got the hang of it.  I am sure, as everyone pointed out, that I should have spent more than 1/2 hour trying but really... I did not like it and I was losing valuable knitting time.  So off to Barbara the yarn goes.  I did call her on Sunday and told her I still hated to Crochet.  She just laughed and told me to bring it on over.  I suspect that was my plan all along but you'll never get me to admit it again!

Now I have to start planning what to bring to Seattle next month.  I am told to bring 'dying' clothes and shoes.  That shouldn't be too hard to find.  Since the dye is permanent we have to bring stuff that can be trashed.  I have lots of that.  I can't remember what to bring for Steph's class but I have the list at home.  I knit sort of continental/throw so it should be interesting to see what she says when she critiques me.

Miranda is having a scrap party this Saturday and I can't go.  Boo hoo!  I have my church's 40th anniversary party and since my husband is cooking I need to go.  Oh well, next time.  Something I ordered for Becky regarding scrapping will be in for Christmas so that helps me finish up shopping for her.  It's not a "them" present, though, so I still need to find something for her BF.

What a week - I have to work all 5 days!  This working thing really gets into the way of my real life.  Gotta work on that!

Monday, October 19, 2009


I just spent the best four days. Thirteen women met in Harpers Ferry, VA at the Rolling Ridge Retreat Center for a knitting get away. It was fabulous. Much laughter, good times, funny stories, some serious talk. Thirteen women! I bet the men's ears were a burnin!

Denise and I packed the car to the hilt but actually had plenty of room because we never got a third rider. We left at 10 am Thursday and went to Eleganza in Frederick for our first yarn store stop. I purchased some yarn to make Becky's fingerless gloves. Very interesting fiber. It is made of sugar cane and can actually be eaten if necessary. (Or so they told me but then I am extremely gullible!) I wanted something light for her since it is for indoor use only. Eleganza was expecting us and they very generously gave us 10% off.

Then we were off to WV. We stopped at WalMart for the perishables where I was able to buy a $2.50 pillow because I forgot mine. Pretty good, though. That is all I forgot!

Everyone waited for me on mission road and then we did a caravan to the retreat house. It was raining so the road was a little slick, but nothing to worry about. I am sure the 'newbies' thought we were going somewhere really strange, given that it feels like the road to nowhere.

Everyone unpacked, picked a room and started knitting. Lunch was pizza or whatever. Denise set up the projector and we were off to watching Lucy Neatby. Oh, she is a sleeper. Within 15 minutes Lynn was sound asleep with others on their way. She teaches neat stuff but her voice is the kind that relaxes you straight to la la land!

Thursday and Friday were spent knitting with everyone just getting to know each other, sharing projects etc. Very relaxing, to the point that some of us never got out of our jammies on Friday. We never did make it to the art cottage, which does have heat. We were just too comfy in the living room. (Denise and I slept in the library. Much better than the art cottage in the rain!)

Saturday was our trip to Winchester which we enjoyed immensely despite the continuing rain. We visited the local yarn store and spent our wads! She made some serious money off of us. They very generously gave us 10% off too. I love that yarn store for both what they carry and how they display it. Plus the women who worked there were both friendly and VERY helpful. I bought wool for these adorable booties that I am going to make each of my book club members and I also bought wool for a gorgeous shawl I saw.

We went to the bead store where I bought beads to make Mel some stitch markers and then to lunch. Had some drama but all worked out. Lunch was delicious. Downtown Winchester is adorable and would have been much more enjoyable in dry weather.

Of course, on Sunday, when it was time to leave, it finally stopped raining. Clean up was chaotic once again but worked out fine. We were gone by 12:30, all wishing we could stay if not forever, then for a much longer time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Turns out I went to the doctor yesterday. The rash got so big I wanted to be sure it wasn't cellulitis. It wasn't but she recommend a steroid treatment because the benadryl was too hard for me to take and could not work very quickly if I took the non sleepy variety. SO...I took the steroid and it is working. The rash is much smaller HOWEVER the side effects are not fun. I woke up at 2:45 ready to go. Wide awake and no where to go! I finally got up at 4 am and left the house at 4:30 am. Since I take a 5:30 bus I was pretty sure I would be the first one on line. NOPE! There were TWO people in front of me. DO they SLEEP there?

Actually we don't really line up. We put some possession of ours, like an umbrella or newspaper, there to hold our place. Then we wait in our car until about 5:25. Some people leave some really interesting items. One guy leaves a block of wood, a woman leaves a rubber toy, some leave their briefcase and others leave water. Quite interesting. What really fascinates me, though, is that the next bus is at 5:40 and people start lining up for that one at 5:15. If there is room on my 5:30 bus I wonder why they just don't take the earlier one. Oh well, I am sure it makes some kind of sense to them. Lots of times my bus is full and some of the people on line have to take the next one. That's why we get there early, so that doesn't happen to us. If I take the later bus it would be real close, my getting to work on time.

Lots to do tonight. I have to pack and remember my air mattress and a very warm sleeping bag since I am going to try and sleep in the art building which has no heat. Then I have to have a cooking lesson from Frank so I know how to warm up the food. And before all this I hope to go to knitting at Panera tonight. Oh yeh - I also have to get over to JoAnne's to buy the wool and crochet needle for the blanket I want Denise to teach me how to knit. So much to do and so little time but since I am so hyper from the steroids I can probably go with little to no sleep tonight!

So back to work so I can take the next two days off guilt free. Not really all that possible for me but I will do my best.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am a happy camper today because I only have to work today and tomorrow and then I am off 'til Monday!!!!!! Yesterday was a holiday and this Thursday starts the knitting retreat at Rolling Ridge. It was so much fun last year, I cannot wait! The weather is not predicted to be good, rain most of the days, but heh - that just makes it an even better day for knitting!

Had a good weekend for the most part. Lots of much needed sleep, visiting friends and alone time with Nestle. I wish I could take her with me this weekend. She would have so much fun but someone may be allergic so no doggy!

Denise is going to attempt to teach me how to crochet. This should be interesting given that I am a lefty and will be crocheting backwards. Knitting right handed is okay since technically you use both hands, but using only my right hand? I don't think so!

Frank has me planning vacations for next year already. We are going to Oceanside near San Diego for a week in May. I want a do-nothing, relaxing week. We shall see if that happens.

Yesterday I think I got bitten by a spider because I kept feeling like something like a splinter was in my thigh. When I checked I had a small, itchy rash there with what appeared to be bite. Did not think much of it, but when it was huge last night we called the doctor. She said it was an allergic reaction and to take benedryl. Well, the benedryl did very little and this rash, swollen area just keeps getting bigger. It is probably over 6-7 inches in diameter, very red and swollen. If it is not better by tomorrow I am going to go see her. She is not in today or I would go today.

More later!

Friday, October 9, 2009


This has been a week! I had to stay up WAY past my bedtime last night to watch Grey's Anatomy because our DVR is broken and the new one has not arrived yet. Great show but I paid the price this morning. I once again overshot (Slept thru) my bus stop. Woke up on the bus and had no idea where I was. Turns out I was, once again, at 14th and Constitution. So, off I hopped and had to walk back the four blocks to 10th. When will I ever learn!

This is a holiday weekend so with Monday off and the knitting retreat next weekend, well I only work TWO days next week. That's my kinda work schedule!

The instructions came from Tina for the Knot Hysteria retreat in November. I still cannot believe I am going. Two days with Tina and Stephanie. It will be so super. Four of us are meeting at the airport and sharing a car. Port Ludlow is at least two hours from SEATAC so this works out best. I never met them, except through Ravelry. How neat that we can do this.

I am tentatively going to a scrap book retreat in June 2010 in Tucson, AZ. Karen C has agreed to join me. Her daughter lives there so it was pretty easy to get her to agree. I am hoping Becky can join us but if not, she and I will go to some other retreat together. Holly P, my friend from the cruise, told me about it and she will also be there.

Nestle is going to the vet on Monday. I get my flu shot at my doctor and then on to the vet. Nestle likes the vet's office until it is time to go in the exam room. Then she shakes all over. I hate to watch her get shots etc. Gotta do it, though.

Lunch with Linda L on Monday down in Silver Spring. We are going to visit a yarn store first. Should be fun! She has big news to tell me. Can't wait to hear what it is.

Three more hours and then I go home, but who's counting. Oh...that would be me!!!!! Retirement cannot come soon enough.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Houston was hot! Despite Becky's many promises, it was HOT and HUMID. So, no more visits to Houston in the fall. Visits will only take place in the January-February time frame. Perhaps by then the temps will be below 80. The funny part is, they thought it was cool and nice. I guess all that heat effects your mind, because anyone in their right mind would know it was HOT!

Their house is beautiful and for an insane, very short moment, I toyed with the idea of looking into moving there to be closer to at least one child. As I said, the thought was fleeting and sanity quickly returned. How I, the person who cannot be happy with any temps above 70 degrees, could even consider it is beyond my understanding. I mean, I love my daughter but... without grandchildren to lure me, she can come visit me!

We did a very quick visit to San Antonio. The walking and the heat got to both Frank and I so we had to leave earlier than anticipated. Still, Frank got to see the Alamo and a little of River Walk so he was happy. I love San Antonio but it is about as hot and humid as Houston.

Saturday Becky and I had our toesies done. We had the pedicure to die for! It was wonderful. The deluxe included the paraffin wax, the massage etc but the best part was the hot rocks. I had never had that before. By the time we left we could barely walk because our legs felt like wet noodles. Even the chairs were different. That massage chair even massaged our butts!

On to Kohl's we went with a 30% off coupon. We did some major damage, mostly me. I needed all new winter clothes and buying them in Houston was very smart on my part since they did not have a lot of sweaters and heavy pants. I can't wear real heavy clothes so it helped to shop where the climate is a bit ( did I just say a bit?!) cooler in the winter. (Their two week winter!)
Thankfully I had bought a suitcase with a gift for Shawn so that left me with an empty suitcase to put all the clothes I bought in. Worked out perfectly.

Becky managed to get some stuff too and since it was my coupon, welllll.... it had to go on my credit card. How lucky was she?! We got matching slippers but since we live so far away it should be fine. Unless she really does come for Thanksgiving and brings them. There could be trouble then but hers are too small for me.

Sunday Frank made breakfast and dinner for us. Shawn's mother and brother joined us for dinner and we had a delicious meal. It rained on and off but that only made it more humid. I did get to try out the hammock that I gave them as a house warming gift and it was wonderful. So comfy. Needed help to get out of it, though. Shawn's brother helped me out while Shawn watched. He was still too busy chuckling over me stepping onto the grass to walk to the hammock and practically sinking. The grass was very wet from the rain so I sank in to almost above my toes!

Trip home was fairly uneventful. Nestle was VERY happy to see us. Normale informed me that Nestle likes peanut butter on her food. No wonder she loves the spa so much. Between Normale and Lynn she was NEVER without a lap to sleep on.

So back to work it is. Oh well, it could be worse. At least I like my job. No knitting tonight. A couple we met on our South American cruise will be here tonight so we are meeting them for dinner. Should be nice.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Off to Houston

If anyone reading this blog does not know much about me, I will give a very brief synopsis. I have two daughters, Melissa and Becky. Mel lives in Pullman, WA with her SO of 7 plus years. She goes to WA state Univ. studying for her doctorate in civil engineering. (Her dad was the brainiac!) Becky lives in a suburb of Houston, Texas and works in HR. She lives with her boyfriend of almost 2 years.

I also have a step daughter who lives in San Diego, CA. She has two daughters, Cassidy is 4 and Elizabeth is 7. (That is a picture of them attached to this blog.) We don't get to see them as much as we would like, about once or twice a year. This year they are coming for Thanksgiving and we are VERY excited about that.

We will not discuss why all the kids live so far away. Suffice it to say they seem to like it. I choose not to think it reflects badly on me and don't you dare suggest otherwise!

I am married to my DH, Frank. He is supposedly retired but he works more and harder than a lot of people who work full time. We met 19 years ago and have been married 17 years. He does all the cooking, grocery shopping AND cleans the house every two weeks. NO, he is not available!!!!! I am VERY spoiled BUT I do clean up the kitchen after him (Which can be a substantial mess) and I do the laundry.

My hobbies include knitting, scrapbooking and reading. I also travel often but the jury is still out on how much I like that.

SO, on with my story.....

Well the DH and I leave for Houston at 7 pm this evening. I actually got up at 4am to make the 4:45 bus down the street from my house so that I would not have to drive to the Park and Ride. This way I will take the train back to BWI and Frank can pick me up at the station. Saves lots of time!

I can't wait to see Becky's new home and to spend the weekend with her and Shawn or, as she calls him, her 'hottie'. It's so nice for a parent when the kids are doing well and are happy. I know it's mostly not anything I did to make it so, but still it's nice to see them doing so well. Both she and Mel are doing well and I am so proud of them.

We will be going to San Antonio for the day on Friday, taking Eve, the Honda Accord I gave to Becky when I bought her Murano from her. She actually told me I could drive (She hates the way I drive.) but I quickly declined. It's hard to knit and drive at the same time. Besides, that might scare all of them. I am hoping Shawn or Frank drives so I can be in the back with Becky.

Did the packing thing last night. After knitting I came home and packed Nestle's things first. She was a wreck. I packed her food, some cookies, her extra bowls and two of her favorite toys. She was very anxious.

Then I went and packed my suitcase. She refused to come into the room while I packed, laying sentry outside instead. When I finally went to bed she did not want to join me and after she did she was very restless. We slept fitfully all night but at least I did not dwell on the things I forgot to pack. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. (See I just thought of two things I forgot. When frank calls I will have to try and walk him through how to find the items. Not an easy task for any man!)

Oh well, off we go. Thank GOD they allow knitting needles on the plane.