Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am still getting over that horrid cold I came home from Texas with. Now it's mostly just the cough which makes everyone move away from me. I feel like a pariah. One girl I sat next to on the bus actually covered her face with her coat. I felt bad but what was I to do? I covered my mouth and all but I guess she was still freaked.

I wore my cowgirl boots this weekend. They are so comfortable, I love em. Mel wore hers too and she loved them just as much. I was going to wear them this weekend but we are expecting temp's in the 80's so that is too hot for boots, at least for me. I am sure those crazy Texan's wear them all year.

Karen, Anita and I are taking the Potomac lunch cruise on Friday to see the Cherry Blossoms. It's our annual birthday lunch to celebrate our birthdays (Anita and I). This is supposed to be the peak weekend. I was hoping to visit some museums before the cruise but they don't open until 10:00 and we have to leave for the cruise by 10:30!

I started Becky's sweater with much trepidation. Pheelya and Denise helped me change the design so I could do it in the round but I am still having questions. I will talk to Pheelya about it tomorrow night.

The 2nd installment of STR yarn arrived yesterday. It is gorgeous. Shades of green and pink. The patterns are lovely too which will make it difficult to pick which one to make. If one is toe up and the other top down, I will most likely pick the top down. I still don't have the hang of the toe up.

New laptop works fine. I got it hooked up to the printer. I can't find my Word program anywhere so may have to install the old one. That would mean I can't read any of the word documents already on there since they were done in the new version. I bet I lent it to someone who never gave it back. I will check with my brother and kids but I know Mel has her own version. How about it Becky, did I lend it to you?

Frank is on his cruise but I have been too busy to enjoy the solitude. Nestle is not happy. She does not like being kenneled all day. Rachel comes and walks her twice a day but it's not enough. I plan to just stay home with her on Saturday.

Therapy is done. I plan to quit curves and join the CA gym so that I have more choices and so I can swim. Swimming is good for my knees and CA has a therapeutic heated pool which will be good for my knees.

April is almost here so I guess I need to start another scarf. An easy one so that I have something to knit when I can't really concentrate. Always need to have more than one project going!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'MMMMM BACK!!!!!!!!!!

What a time we had! I might even grow to like Houston, at least in March. (Never May, June, July, August, September, October or November!) The weather was gorgeous for two days (then colder and wetter than home). The Rodeo on Thursday was a perfect day. The concert was the best, even if my girls were a little embarassed by their mom dancing and singing with the youngsters! I loved it. Not sure how Shawn felt about it all. He is surely not a big fan of the Black Eyed Peas.

Mel and I both bought our first pair of cowboy boots. For awhile it looked like we were either going to buy the same pair or fight over them (they only had one pair in size 9 - the size we both needed!) but Mom finally gave in, let Mel have hers and I picked out a red pair. LOVE EM! We both wore them for the rest of the day.

We tried some fried foods...hm, not sure food is the correct word. We tried a fried snickers bar, a fried chocolate covered twinkie, fried oreos and fried cheese cake. My favorite was the snickers bar but the others liked the oreo's best. We also had barbecue from Papa's while Shawn had a turkey leg. Bet he'd like the food at the Renaissance Festival.

The rodeo part was boring in places but the kids portions were the best part. I love watching those little ones try to ride the sheep. So cute!

On Friday we did low key stuff. We mostly spent my money on a new computer for me. My credit card was refused for payment because they did not know I was in Texas. Part of me was embarassed and part of me was glas the anti-fraud dept was working so hard. It got all straightened out, though.

Saturday was big spender day for mom. We all had the deluxe pedicure. Delicious! Becky and I had our nails done. Mel got her hair cut (she paid for that). We each got moisterizer that was on sale. We did a quick Kohl's run so Mel could buy a jacket to replace the one she left in New Mexico (yes it was cold enough that we needed jackets!). Dinner was at a Japanese Steak house and boy was that good. We sat with a bunch of people who were originally from Maryland!

By then I was getting my cold so I was starting to feel not so good. We headed home, stopping for ice cream on the way. We watched a movie while Becky worked on getting all the info off my old laptop onto my new one. She worked hard on that, too!

All in all, it was a fabulous trip and I so enjoyed having three days with my girls. I hope we get to do it again next year.

The plane ride home caused me to get an ear infection which kept me home for two days. I was pretty sick but glad I went to the doctor. It felt really weird not to be able to hear out of my right ear. It's almost gone now but I am still coughing a lot.

Frank has left for ten days and I am in 'enjoy the peace' mode. I love having the house to myself. A neighbor will walk Nestle twice a day so that is good. I am having dinner with Mary tonight and hope to spend time with other friends while he is gone. I hope he and his brother have a great time.

I will start the swatch for Becky's sweater tomorrow. My first real sweater and I am very nervous. The yarn was expensive so I hope I don't make a total loser of a garment. We shall see. I have Denise and Dorothy to help me so I should be good!

Monday, March 15, 2010


To say I am excited about my visit to Houston this week would be such an understatement. I am so looking forward to having time with both my girls! I hardly ever get time with both of them together. This will be such fun!

Of course, it will be expensive too. It always is. We will do pedicures and manicures, lots of eating out, maybe some yarn shopping, maybe some clothes shopping. Then there's the rodeo. Who knows how much I'll end up spending there. My question is this, when I retire and am on a limited income, is that when they have to pay for everything? I mean, at what point to I become THEIR responsibility? At what point do my PAYBACKS begin?

I'm thinking retirement. You know, I go visit them and they pay for everything. Or maybe when I've been retired a few years and stop traveling or whatever I decide to do in retirement, then do they start paying?

If I look at my family history, then it's going to be some time before it's their turn. They know this and I know they know this. Oh well, kids are expensive but boy are the WORTH it! (At least mine are.)

Of course, since I know they read this blog, I do want to remind them what a wonderful mother they have and that she will be a year older VERY soon and that perhaps they want to remember that during our time together. That's all I am going to say about that!

On the knitting front, I have started the Holding Hand, Duck thingie scarf. I like it but I make lots of errors so it's a slow go. The yarn goes from wide to thin and sticks together so I find myself knitting two stitches together all the time.

While in Houston I will shop for the yarn for Becky's sweater and the fingerless gloves she wants me to make her boss. (That's if there are any knitting stores in Texas!) I finished the socks for Barbara (made the second sock in less than a week!) so it's time to start a new pair. It will either be the STR sock club ones or two at a time from the book.

JOY! I actually like this month's book for the book club. I have no recollection of the title or author, but at least I like it. Those other books I hated are being donated to the library.

It's cold and rainy today, high in the 40's. It will be in the 70's in Houston. Don't tell anyone this, but I am actually looking forward to a little warm weather. It has been a LONNNNNG winter!

Tonight I will pack. Okay, stop laughing. I really plan to pack tonight. no last minute this time. My goal is to get better at that. Why, I plan to pack a week ahead when we go to Hong Kong. Okay, maybe not a whole week but at least a day or two. I can't wait until the day we leave like I do with my Europe trips because it's a morning flight!

Hello, Houston here I come!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Saw the ortho doc yesterday. Boy that was fun. First he numbed my knee, then he suctioned the fluid out and then he shot me up with cortisone. All went well until about an hour later when I could not bend my knee. Seems I had a reaction to the cortisone which mad my knee so swollen I could not bend my leg at all. Getting in and out of the car was
interesting, to say the least. I did the ice thing all night and it was much better this morning. At least I could go to work! (Is that a good thing?)

I finished the pretty thing cowl, now I have to block it. I am almost done with a pair of socks for Barbara. She liked the orange ones so much she wore them to the hospital last week for her surgery. They get the pathology report back this week and we are all praying for no lymph node involvement. She’s been a trouper, though. I was supposed to stay with
her on Saturday while Fred went out but she fired me. Said she was fine to be alone. Good for her!

I finally remembered to call Hong Kong at 6:30 am. They are 12 hours ahead of us so making reservations is tricky. The price went up considerably because of two of us in the room so I will talk to Frank about moving to a different hotel after the wedding.

Dad is now coming to Nashville for the wedding. It will be a downer for me but at least he will get out some. Julie’s parents are getting the wheelchair for us. I hope he is up to some sight seeing because I really don’t want to leave him at the hotel alone.

Book club is tonight. We will be discussing two books since we did not meet, due to snow,last month. Peggy will lead the discussion on THREE CUPS OF TEA and I will lead the discussion on THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG. To say both were awful would be an understatement. I never finished the first one and only read the second one because I was
leading the discussion. To say I read it would actually be a slight exaggeration. I actually skipped whole boring parts of it. But I got the gist of it, enough to lead the discussion. I hope next months is better.

Knitting weekend at Rolling Ridge in April is all set. There will be 6-8 of us. It should be fun. I am not sure if I will go up Thursday morning or night. Depends on how many days I want to take off.

Nestle is a much happier camper these days now that a lot of the snow is gone. She really hates the back yard. Too much mud for her delicate paws. Such a princess!

Time to decide on my next project. Such a hard decision. Should I make the baby blanket a coworker asked me to make, or my March scarf or that sweater for Becky or the cowl for Sandy or, or, or and the list goes on. So much to do, so little time.