Monday, November 8, 2010


It's been almost two months since my last entry. Well I guess nothing exciting has happened!

We did have the knitting retreat since I last wrote. That was great fun but two houses so far apart does not work. I don't think we will do that again. We are now looking for a stink bug free environment. Both the houses were stink bug infested but one (not the one I stayed in) was much worse. That's enough of that for me!

Lots of knitting adventures plus more coming up. We did the Berryville festival which was small but nice. One of the people in our group won the spinning wheel they raffled off. I wanted to win the loom but, ho-hum, did not.

We put new floors down in the house and they look gorgeous. Nestle finds them a bit slippery but she's adapting. We used one of those pods outside to store the furniture while it was done. That was not well received by my neighbors but now I see one down the street. We only thought of it because a neighbor across the street had one for awhile. We had ours for less than two weeks but we still got reported for it. Police stopped by and everything. I figure it was the guy across the street, the one we got arrested. He's back and probably very pissed!

I also went to Texas and met Mel there. We shopped for Becky's wedding dress ALL DAY on Saturday. She finally found 'the one' and said yes to the dress at the last store. Of course it is gorgeous and she looks fabulous in it. We all knew that was the one because of the special smile on her face when she put it on the second time. We had a fun but tiring day.

I finished my scarf to match the gorgeous gloves Mel made for me. Not without at least one incident, however. When I ran out of the first skein of yarn I picked up the second skein and finished the scarf. It felt funny when you ran your hand over it and that's when I realized that I finished it with the thinner yarn from the gloves instead of the bulkier yarn I was using for the scarf. Same colorway, different weight. Duh!?!?!

Yes, I fixed it. Tore all of the wrong yarn out and reknit it. This was for me and it would have really bothered me if I had not fixed it. Looks great but has to be blocked now.

I am still working on the never ending baby blanket that Dorothy coerced me into knitting. Wow, this is a big project and with no one to give it to....well I guess I don't have to hurry to have it finished but I know I will feel much better when it is completed.

I am still working on two things for Becky and I want to start that scarf/hat for Karen. Lots to do and so little time to do it all. I have this Thursday off so my plan is to stay at knitting on Wednesday until everyone leaves. I have never done that before!

Off to Vegas in a week and then Becky and Shawn arrive for Thanksgiving. I wish Mel could be here too but I get three weeks with her soon enough so I/m trying not to be greedy!

Frank is going on his November cruise. He has started a cruise a month club and he is the president. This is his 3rd or 4th cruise this year! I think he would live on the ship forever if he could figure out a way to do that.

So, looking forward to Thanksgiving with family and Xmas with the rest of the family. Life is good!

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